You want to be in the top percentage of income-earners in your company. In order to do that, you need to learn what the top pros know and how they work. Master sales trainer Tom Hopkins has been building sales champions for years. Learn how to handle normal sales stress factors, how to communicate better with your clients, overcome objections, and close more sales by using the right words and phrases. This nine-part audio series can help you learn and utilize the skills necessary to push yourself and others to the top of the business ladder.
–Practical, hands-on resource
–Enjoy the value of a $800 seminar
–Become the complete salesperson
–Increase your income and spend less time working
–Easy to follow 5-step learning system
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Release Day
May 31, 2010
Release Date
June 1, 2010
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The Made for Success Series
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Made for Success
Made for Success
Business & Careers, Nonfiction - Adult, Nonfiction - All
Tom Hopkins is chairman and founder of the renowned sales-training organization Tom Hopkins International. He is a member of the National Speakers Association and the author of the national bestseller How to Master the Art of Selling. Today, more than thirty-five thousand corporations and millions of professional salespeople throughout the world use his professional sales-training materials.
You want to be in the top percentage of income-earners in your company. In order to do that, you need to learn what the top pros know and how they work. Master sales trainer Tom Hopkins has been building sales champions for years. Learn how to handle normal sales stress factors, how to communicate better with your clients, overcome objections, and close more sales by using the right words and phrases. This nine-part audio series can help you learn and utilize the skills necessary to push yourself and others to the top of the business ladder.