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Getting Started
20 Items
Mozart Marcia Davenport
The Half That’s Never Been Told Doctor Dread
Whisperin’ Bill Anderson Bill Anderson
BeatlesTalk SpeechWorks
In It for the Long Run Jim Rooney
Great Moments from Music Legends SpeechWorks
The Grand Tour Rich Kienzle
Learn to Sing with Confidence and Freedom Barbara Ann Grant
The Spree of ’83 Freddy Powers
Doctors of Rhythm Jake Brown
Beyond the Beats Jake Brown
Scientists of Sound, Vol. 1 Jake Brown
Crate Digger Bob Suren
The Art of Is Stephen Nachmanovitch
Solid State Kenneth Womack
Dangerous Melodies Jonathan Rosenberg
Conversations with Tom Petty, Expanded Edition Paul Zollo
John Lennon 1980 Kenneth Womack
Insight Deborah Raney
Hollywood Eden Joel Selvin