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Getting Started
Items 1-24 of 129
North on the Wing Bruce M. Beehler
American Prometheus Kai Bird
StarTalk Neil deGrasse Tyson
“Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!” Richard P. Feynman
Crystal Fire Michael Riordan
A Beautiful Mind Sylvia Nasar
How to Build a Tin Canoe Robb White
Death by Black Hole, and Other Cosmic Quandaries Neil deGrasse Tyson
Endurance Alfred Lansing
The Pluto Files Neil deGrasse Tyson
Beyond Good and Evil Friedrich Nietzsche
The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection Charles Darwin
Flatland Edwin A. Abbott
Whole T. Colin Campbell
The Big Fat Surprise Nina Teicholz
The Brain Fog Fix Mike Dow
What If? Randall Munroe
Get Up! James A. Levine
At the Edge of Uncertainty Michael Brooks
The Lucifer Principle Howard Bloom
Global Brain Howard Bloom
Content Cory Doctorow
Context Cory Doctorow
Move Rosabeth Moss Kanter