

Never wait to check out an audiobook again. Your library card ensures you’re always first in line.

How it Works

Our unlimited plan is similar to Netflix, but instead of movies, it's audiobooks, and instead of monthly fees, it's free from your library. Getting set up is quick and easy.

1. Sign up for an account

2. Link your library using your library card

3. Start listening

Ways to Listen

We have two options for you to enjoy your favorite audiobooks. Either download the app from the Apple or Google Play store, or you can use our online player.

Our Selection

All of the available titles are part of Blackstone Publishing’s award-winning, and ever-growing catalog. Choose from over 6,000 titles in every genre imaginable.

Sign-up Today

Creating an account is easy and should only take a few minutes. If your library isn’t currently available, visit our FAQs below.


Have questions? We have answers. Let us know if you are a listener or a library.

  • How does Blackstone Unlimited work?

    Blackstone Unlimited allows you to listen to an unlimited selection of digital audiobooks,
    available from your own local library! All you need is a valid library card from a participating
    library and you can get started listening right away.

  • How do I login?

    Click the Sign In icon at the top right of the page.

    If you are new to Blackstone Unlimited, select Create an Account. You’ll be asked for your name, your Library Card Number, and the name of your local library system. Your library must be an active Blackstone Unlimited participant in order for you to create an account. 

    If you have an account but have forgotten or misplaced your password, click the “Forgot Your Password?” link to reset.

  • How do I find a book?

    To find your next audiobook, explore the featured titles on the Blackstone Unlimited homepage, or click the Browse button at the top of the page and choose your favorite genre. From there, you can use a variety of filters to find the book you want.

    If you know the title or author you are looking for, you can enter those in the search bar at the top of the page to quickly find your book.

  • How do I listen to a book?

    Once you have found the book you want, simply click Borrow and the title will be added to you Bookshelf. Borrowed books can be listened to right away or saved for later. When you click Play Now, the book will play automatically in the web browser or app.

  • What devices can be used to listen to a book?

    Our Blackstone Unlimited App for Apple devices is compatible with most versions of iPhone, iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. The newest version for Apple iOS devices can be found at the following link:

    Blackstone Unlimited App for iOS devices on iTunes

    Our Blackstone Unlimited for Android devices is compatible with most versions of Android Phones & Tablets. The newest version for Android devices can be found at the following link:

    Blackstone Unlimited App for Android on Google Play

    You can also listen on desktop computers using the built-in audio player.

  • Can I listen to an audiobook offline or in airplane mode?

    You can download up to 10 titles for offline listening when using the app. 9Downloads are not available when accessing Blackstone Unlimited from the website.)
  • How do I place a digital audiobook on hold?

    No holds are needed! All titles are available for instant listening. 
  • How do I renew an audiobook?

    No renewals are needed! Books are available for listening in your Bookshelf until you remove them.
  • How do I remove a book from my Bookshelf?

    When you have finished a book and/or no longer want it to display in your Bookshelf, click the [] icon and select Return, and it will be removed. You can also click the Return button on the product page. 
  • How do I update the email associated with my account?

    If you need to change the email associated with your account, please contact or 800-621-0182.