“Will do more for new parents than a pacifier will for a newborn…A comprehensive, soothing work which will ease the fears and anxieties that explode during a pregnancy.” —Publishers Weekly on The Birth Book
- The Discipline Book
By William Sears, MD, and Martha Sears, RN
Read by Jim Denison
Release Date: 4/02/19
Formats: Digital Audy
Everything you need to know about discipline to raise a happy, well-adjusted, well-behaved child-from America’s foremost baby and childcare experts
Disciplining children means equipping them with the tools to succeed in life. In this unique guide, Dr. Bill and Martha Sears, the pediatric specialists whose books on birth, babies, and parenting have become widely praised bestsellers, explain what you can do to shape your child’s behavior so that good conduct comes naturally.
With a focus not just on managing behavior problems but also on preventing them, the Searses offer clear, practical advice on a broad range of disciplinary issues, including the following:
- The mother’s role vs. the father’s role
- Developing the connection with your baby that will make discipline easier in years to come
- Saying no
- Taming temper tantrums
- Self-esteem as the foundation of good behavior
- Helping a child to express feelings
- The constructive use of anger
- Good nutrition for good behavior
- Sleep and nighttime discipline
- Sibling rivalry
- Spanking and alternatives to spanking
- How to eliminate bothersome behaviors such as whining and talking back
- How to respond when your child lies, cheats, or steals
- Discipline after divorce and in the single-parent household
Drawing on nearly thirty years of the Searses’ experience as childcare professionals and as the parents of eight children, The Discipline Book will make you confident in your ability to correct undesirable behavior, to promote good behavior, and to instill the values that will help your child become morally literate.
- The Discipline Book
By William Sears, MD, and Martha Sears, RN
Read by Jim Denison
Release Date: 4/02/19
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Healthy Pregnancy Book
By William Sears, MD and Martha Sears, RN, with Linda Holt, MD and B. J. Snell, PhD, CNM
Read by Coleen Marlo
Release Date: 3/12/19
Formats: Digital Audy
From America’s leading authorities in childcare comes the definitive guide to having a healthy pregnancy—and a healthy baby.
The Healthy Pregnancy Book guides expectant mothers and fathers through all stages of pregnancy from preconception through birth, focusing on how to enhance the health of mother and baby.
- How to grow a smarter and healthier baby
- How your baby is developing, and how you may be changing both emotionally and physically
- Eating right for two, with a helpful list of pregnancy superfoods
- Exercise and keeping fit during your pregnancy
- Concerns and questions you may have about test and technology, genetic counseling, and childbirth options
- How to protect the womb environment and recognize potential household hazards
- Advice on working while pregnant
- Choosing the right healthcare provider and childbirth class
- The transition into parenthood, and much more …
Written in the Searses’ trademark reassuring tone that makes their books long-term bestsellers—The Healthy Pregnancy Book is the must-have resource to fit the greater demands of today’s savvy parents.
- The Healthy Pregnancy Book
By William Sears, MD and Martha Sears, RN, with Linda Holt, MD and B. J. Snell, PhD, CNM
Read by Coleen Marlo
Release Date: 3/12/19
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Attachment Parenting Book
By William Sears, MD, and Martha Sears, RN
Read by Jim Denison
Release Date: 1/29/19
Formats: Digital Audy
America’s foremost baby and childcare experts, William Sears, MD, and Martha Sears, RN, explain the benefits—to both you and your child—of connecting with your baby early.
Might you and your baby both sleep better if you shared a bed? How old is too old for breastfeeding? What is a father’s role in nurturing a newborn? How does early attachment foster a child’s eventual independence? Dr. Bill and Martha Sears—the doctor-and-nurse, husband-and-wife team who coined the term “attachment parenting”—answer these and many more questions in this practical, inspiring guide. Attachment parenting is a style of parenting that encourages a strong early attachment and advocates parental responsiveness to babies’ dependency needs.
The Attachment Parenting Book clearly explains the seven “Baby Bs” that form the basis of this popular parenting style:
- Bonding
- Breastfeeding
- Babywearing
- Belief in the language value of baby’s cry
- Bedding close to baby
- Balance
- Beware of baby trainers.
Here’s all the information you need to achieve your most important goals as a new parent: to know your child, to help your child feel right, and to enjoy parenting.
- The Attachment Parenting Book
By William Sears, MD, and Martha Sears, RN
Read by Jim Denison
Release Date: 1/29/19
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Baby Sleep Book
By William Sears, MD; Robert Sears, MD; James Sears, MD; and Martha Sears, RN
Foreword by Dr. James McKenna
Read by Coleen Marlo
Release Date: 1/08/19
Formats: Digital Audy
Everything you need to know about getting your baby or toddler to sleep—from America’s foremost baby and childcare experts
For every parent deprived of sleep by a restless infant or toddler, now there’s hope. The Baby Sleep Book is the comprehensive, reassuring, solution-filled resource that every family will want to own.
Babies don’t automatically know how to sleep through the night; they need to be taught. The Sears family has learned from decades of pediatric practice, bolstered by their own parenting experiences, that different babies have different nighttime temperaments—and, of course, different families have different lifestyles. Instead of espousing the kind of “one method fits all” approach advocated in other baby sleep guides, the Sears family explains how you can create a sleep plan that suits the needs of your entire family.
With a sharp focus on practical tools and techniques, The Baby Sleep Book covers such topics as the following:
- The facts of infant sleep vs. adult sleep
- Figuring out where, when, and how your child sleeps best
- Fail-safe methods for soothing a crying infant
- How to make night nursing easier, and how to stop
- Nighttime fathering tips
- Whether co-sleeping makes sense for you
- Nap-time strategies that work
- Medical and physical causes of night waking
- Sleep habits in special situations such as traveling, teething, and illness
Like all books in the highly popular Sears Parenting Library, The Baby Sleep Book is clear, comforting, and uniquely authoritative. Its flexible sensitive approach to solving babies’ sleep problems distinguishes it as definitive—an unrivaled book that offers immediate results.
- The Baby Sleep Book
By William Sears, MD; Robert Sears, MD; James Sears, MD; and Martha Sears, RN
Foreword by Dr. James McKenna
Read by Coleen Marlo
Release Date: 1/08/19
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Breastfeeding Book, Revised Edition
By Martha Sears, RN and William Sears, MD
Read by Coleen Marlo
Release Date: 12/18/18
Formats: Digital Audy
A fully revised edition of the Dr. Sears guide to breastfeeding, a perennial favorite for parents for nearly two decades
From pediatric experts Martha Sears, RN, and William Sears, MD, The Breastfeeding Book offers comprehensive, reassuring, authoritative information on
- how to start breastfeeding;
- increasing your milk supply;
- breastfeeding when working away from home;
- pumps and other technology associated with breastfeeding;
- making sure your nursing baby gets optimum nutrition, including the most recent information about the importance of omega-3 fatty acids and “milk-oriented microbiota”;
- nutrition and fitness for moms;
- nighttime breastfeeding;
- breastfeeding and fertility;
- toddler nursing and weaning;
- special circumstances; and
- much more.
Breastfeeding contributes to nurturing a smarter and healthier baby, and a healthier and more intuitive mommy. Isn’t that what every child needs, and every parent wants?
- The Breastfeeding Book, Revised Edition
By Martha Sears, RN and William Sears, MD
Read by Coleen Marlo
Release Date: 12/18/18
Formats: Digital Audy