
Gail Langer Karwoski

Gail Langer Karwoski
  • In this stirring tale of survival set against the backdrop of the founding of Jamestown, young listeners are introduced to Samuel Collier, the page of famed Captain John Smith. A school perennial and favorite among educators since 2001.

    In 1607, a year after the Virginia Company was granted a charter to establish a settlement in North America, 104 men set sail on a voyage to a new land. Among the brave adventurers who make the journey is a young boy named Samuel Collier, the page of famed Captain John Smith. Disease, famine, and continuing attacks by neighboring Algonquin Native Americans take a tremendous toll on the settlers. Samuel is one of the few to survive the harsh realities of the New World during the first few years of Jamestown.

  • It is 1804—a historic year in America—the year that Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and the Corps of Discovery set out for their now-legendary exploration of the Louisiana Purchase, departing St. Louis to travel across the country to the Pacific Ocean and back. 

    In this fictionalized biography of the journey based upon the journals of Lewis, Clark, and other members of the team, an unheralded member of the Corps, Seaman, a 150-pound Newfoundland dog, is introduced to young historians. Seaman travels the long journey with the Corps, serving a key role in the expedition’s success, catching and retrieving game, and protecting the expedition team from wild animals and hostile Indians. 

    Come along with Lewis, Clark, the Corps of Discovery, and Seaman as they meet Sacagawea who joins the expedition, form friendships with several Indian tribes, survive near-death encounters, grizzly bear attacks, and buffalo bull stampedes through the camp, cross the Continental Divide, overcome the wounding of their seemingly fearless leader, Meriwether Lewis, and rejoice as they return to civilization in 1806.

  • Buildings were weaving in and out. The street pitched like a stormy sea. Bricks were raining down all around him. The ground shook with such violence that Jacob thought the world had come to an end. In award-winning author Gail Langer Karwoski's stirring fictional account of the San Francisco earthquake of 1906, young listeners will relive the drama of the actual event and its devastating aftermath through the courageous survival of a young boy.