
Frank Viscuso

Frank Viscuso
  • Michael and Kristen Harper are overwhelmed with financial burden. After being introduced to network marketing, Michael believes he may have found a way out. When his three best friends try to discredit the industry, Michael is tempted to trust their opinions. Fortunately, he recalls an encounter he had at his father's funeral with a high school dropout turned multimillionaire named Blake Easton. After discussing it with his wife, Michael decides to call Blake and ask him for financial advice. Little does he know that one simple phone call will send the Harpers on a life-altering journey.

    The Mentor is an inspirational story that answers the question, "What does it take to make it in network marketing?" This book teaches networkers and entrepreneurs about the importance of overcoming objections, building relationships, displaying posture, accountability, dream-building, overcoming fear and frustration, the compound effect, profits versus wages, goal setting, and developing momentum by building your business with urgency. As you listen, you will discover that success can be summed up in three words: dream, struggle, and prize. The key to success is to keep your eyes on your dream and work through the struggle until you reach the prize.

    Based on actual events, this powerful novel will tug at your heartstrings and encourage you to achieve greater success than you previously thought possible.