“He sights at Greek tragedy…along the smoking chimneys of Auschwitz…No twentieth-century [critic] could come closer to making Sophocles a contemporary.” —Time
- The Eating of the Gods
By Jan Kott
Translated by Bolesław Taborski and Edward J. Czerwinski
Directed by Claire Bloom
Read by Stefan Rudnicki
Release Date: 3/03/15
Formats: Digital Audy
In The Eating of the Gods the distinguished Polish critic Jan Kott reexamines Greek tragedy from the modern perspective. As in his earlier acclaimed Shakespeare, Our Contemporary, Kott provides startling insights and intuitive leaps which link our world to that of the ancient Greeks. The title refers to the Bacchae of Euripides, that tragedy of lust, revenge, murder, and "the joy of eating raw flesh" which Kott finds paradigmatic in its violence and bloodshed. Whether reflecting on Prometheus or drawing a modern parallel in Beckett's Happy Days ("the final version of the Prometheus myth"), Kott's vision is brilliant, his method innovative, and his sensibility consistently new. Since this book first appeared, Kott's connections between ancient and modern have become even more compelling in their immediacy.
- The Eating of the Gods
By Jan Kott
Translated by Bolesław Taborski and Edward J. Czerwinski
Directed by Claire Bloom
Read by Stefan Rudnicki
Release Date: 3/03/15
Formats: Digital Audy
- Shakespeare, Our Contemporary
By Jan Kott
Directed by Cassandra de Cuir and Claire Bloom
Read by Stefan Rudnicki
Release Date: 12/16/14
Formats: Digital Audy
Shakespeare, Our Contemporary is a provocative, original study of the major plays of Shakespeare. More than that, it is one of the few critical works to have strongly influenced theatrical productions.
Peter Brook and Charles Marowitz are among the many directors who have acknowledged their debt to Jan Kott, finding in his analogies between Shakespearean situations and those in modern life and drama the seeds of vital new stage conceptions. Shakespeare, Our Contemporary has been translated into nineteen languages since it appeared in 1961, and readers all over the world have similarly found their responses to Shakespeare broadened and enriched.
- Shakespeare, Our Contemporary
By Jan Kott
Directed by Cassandra de Cuir and Claire Bloom
Read by Stefan Rudnicki
Release Date: 12/16/14
Formats: Digital Audy