
Earworms Learning

Earworms Learning
  • El método de Earworms. Mientras que escuchas música de manera relajada, las palabras se mezclan con los sonidos, introduciéndose lentamente en la memoria. Tú aprenderás más rápido y durable que con los métodos de estudio convencionales. ¡Pruébalo! El volumen 1 abarca viajando con el taxi, en el hotel, en el restaurante, frases de cortesía, descripción del camino, los números, lidiar con problemas y mucho más. Perfecto para principiantes o para los que quieren refrescar sus conocimientos. En el Vol. 2 se trata de conversaciones. Se habla sobre el pasado, el presente y el futuro. Conversaciones sobre lo que te agrada o no y se practica otras situaciones útiles – incluyendo el coqueteo. Además de muchas otras palabras útiles y frases el Vol. 3 ofrece sobre todo elementos gramaticales importantes. Con esto serás capaz de formar oraciones largas y de aplicar su vocabulario de manera creativa.

  • Earworms MBT is a revolutionary accelerated technique that takes the hard work out of learning a new language. By repeatedly listening to melodies specially composed with rhythmic repetitions of Dutch and English, you will pick up essential words and phrases that will not only be on the tip of your tongue but burned deeply into your long-term memory in next to no time.

    If you like music and want to make rapid progress without any formal knowledge of language learning, Earworms MBT Rapid Dutch is for you. With this collection of volumes one and two, you will feel you are learning within minutes and will be amazed by how easy acquiring a language can be.

  • Earworms MBT is a revolutionary accelerated technique that takes the hard work out of learning a new language. By repeatedly listening to melodies specially composed with rhythmic repetitions of Japanese and English, you will pick up essential words and phrases that will not only be on the tip of your tongue but burned deeply into your long-term memory in next to no time.

    If you like music and want to make rapid progress without any formal knowledge of language learning, Earworms MBT Rapid Japanese is for you. With this collection of volumes 1 and 2, you will feel you are learning within minutes and will be amazed by how easy acquiring a language can be.

  • Earworms MBT is a revolutionary accelerated technique that takes the hard work out of learning a new language. By repeatedly listening to melodies specially composed with rhythmic repetitions of German and English, you will pick up essential words and phrases that will not only be on the tip of your tongue but burned deeply into your long-term memory in next to no time.

    If you like music and want to make rapid progress without any formal knowledge of language learning, Earworms MBT Rapid German is for you. With this collection of two volumes, you will feel you are learning within minutes and will be amazed by how easy acquiring a language can be.

  • Earworms MBT is a revolutionary accelerated technique that takes the hard work out of learning a new language. By repeatedly listening to melodies specially composed with rhythmic repetitions of Italian and English, you will pick up essential words and phrases that will not only be on the tip of your tongue but burned deeply into your long-term memory in next to no time.

    If you like music and want to make rapid progress without any formal knowledge of language learning, Earworms MBT Rapid Italian is for you. With this collection of all three volumes, you will feel you are learning within minutes and will be amazed by how easy acquiring a language can be.

  • Earworms MBT is a revolutionary accelerated technique that takes the hard work out of learning a new language. By repeatedly listening to melodies specially composed with rhythmic repetitions of French and English, you will pick up essential words and phrases that will not only be on the tip of your tongue but burned deeply into your long-term memory in next to no time.

    If you like music and want to make rapid progress without any formal knowledge of language learning, Earworms MBT Rapid French is for you. With this collection of all three volumes, you will feel you are learning within minutes and will be amazed by how easy acquiring a language can be.