“If you’re going to replicate the classics, you better make sure you’ve got a capable cast able to shoulder the load, and no better result could be offered than with Macabre Mansion Presents…directed by Kevin Herren and backed by an army of acting talents. Overall, the presentation resembles the old-time radio broadcasts that played all over the country many moons ago, and Herren should be applauded for the talent that has been assembled here in order to provide an auditory experience that will make any fan of those classic shows very happy…This is the stuff that should be enjoyed in place of the computer, or tablet, or TV, or iWatch…So roll on back to the olden days, kick back, and listen with the lights off…after all, it’s much better in the dark.” —DreadCentral.com (4 stars)
- In the Beginning: Creation
Directed by Kevin Herren
Performed by a full cast
Release Date: 11/17/15
Formats: Digital Audy
In the Beginning is an audio drama series featuring stories from the Holy Bible. Performed in the style of the old time radio plays from yesteryear, each fully dramatized story is professionally performed by some of Hollywood’s best voice talent. This story begins with the creation of the world and continues through to the original sin, the fall of man, and the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise.
- In the Beginning: Creation
Directed by Kevin Herren
Performed by a full cast
Release Date: 11/17/15
Formats: Digital Audy
- In the Beginning: The Great Flood
Directed by Kevin Herren
Performed by a full cast
Release Date: 11/17/15
Formats: Digital Audy
In the Beginning is an audio drama series featuring stories from the Holy Bible. Performed in the style of the old time radio plays from yesteryear, each fully dramatized story is professionally performed by some of Hollywood’s best voice talent.
In the Beginning: The Great Flood covers the story of Noah and his life-long journey to build the ark, the destruction of Earth by floodwaters, and God’s covenant with Noah and his descendants.
- In the Beginning: The Great Flood
Directed by Kevin Herren
Performed by a full cast
Release Date: 11/17/15
Formats: Digital Audy
- In the Beginning, Vol. 1
Directed by Kevin Herren
Performed by a full cast
Release Date: 11/17/15
Formats: Digital Audy
In the Beginning is an audio drama series featuring stories from the Holy Bible. Performed in the style of the old time radio plays from yesteryear, each fully dramatized story is professionally performed by some of Hollywood’s best voice talent, including Joe Estevez, Daniel Roebuck, Nancy Stafford, Michael Sorich, Kyle Hebert, Kimberly Woods, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, Tim Goodwin, and Jason J. Lewis. Written, directed, and produced by Kevin Herren.
This volume includes three titles:
In the Beginning: Creation begins with creation and continues through to the original sin, the fall of man, and the expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise.
In the Beginning: The Great Flood covers the story of Noah and his life-long journey to build the ark, the destruction of earth by floodwaters, and God’s covenant with Noah and his descendants.
In the Beginning: Let My People Go covers the birth of Moses, his adoption by Pharaoh’s daughter, the calling of Moses by God to free the Israelites from Egyptian bondage, the ten plagues, and the exodus from Egypt.
- In the Beginning, Vol. 1
Directed by Kevin Herren
Performed by a full cast
Release Date: 11/17/15
Formats: Digital Audy
- In the Beginning: Let My People Go
Directed by Kevin Herren
Performed by a full cast
Release Date: 11/17/15
Formats: Digital Audy
In the Beginning is an audio drama series featuring stories from the Holy Bible. Performed in the style of the old time radio plays from yesteryear, each fully dramatized story is professionally performed by some of Hollywood’s best voice talent. This story covers the birth of Moses, his adoption by Pharaoh’s daughter, the calling of Moses by God to free the Israelites from Egyptian bondage, the ten plagues, and the exodus from Egypt.
- In the Beginning: Let My People Go
Directed by Kevin Herren
Performed by a full cast
Release Date: 11/17/15
Formats: Digital Audy
- Macabre Mansion Presents … A Christmas Carol, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and The Fall of the House of Usher
Stories adapted for audio by Kevin Herren
Performed by a full cast
Release Date: 12/02/14
Formats: Digital Audy
This collection of three highly entertaining audio dramatizations is perfect listening for the whole family! These classic tales are brought to life by a star-studded cast that includes Kevin Sorbo, John de Lancie, Daniel Roebuck, Jim O'Rear, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn, Tiffany LaBarbera, Virginia Hey, Kyle Hebert, Bonita Friedericy, John Billingsley, Mandy Barnett, and Reggie Bannister.
- Macabre Mansion Presents … A Christmas Carol, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and The Fall of the House of Usher
Stories adapted for audio by Kevin Herren
Performed by a full cast
Release Date: 12/02/14
Formats: Digital Audy