
Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra
  • Adults squirm when the big questions come up, especially the big spiritual ones. They don’t want their kids to worry, so they give answers that all say one thing: “Don’t worry. It’s all okay.”

    And yet the big questions still keep coming up. At every age we all need to know what life is really all about. Not just on the surface, but deep down.

    Teenagers are no exception. They deserve a spiritual life all their own. One that offers the kind of comfort we hope to give our children, but is different at the same time. More full of ideas. More mature. More fitting for the whole wide future that lies ahead.

    That’s what I’ve tried to do in this book, as fully and as honestly as possible.

    Deepak Chopra

  • A fifteen-year-old boy is walking through a swirling fog on his way to school when a voice calls out, “Come here. We need to talk.” Out of the mist emerges an old man with a white beard. He is a fantastic figure, as wizardly as Merlin, as wise as Socrates, as peaceful as Buddha. Whoever he is, the old man has appeared on that very day to change the boy’s life.

    “You are old enough to learn about things,” he says mysteriously. “And who is going to teach you but me?”

    The old man gives the boy four days of “soul training,” a time of riddles, tricks, parables, and incredible twists that brings out surprising answers to each of four burning questions about spirituality:

    Do I have a soul?
    How do wishes come true?
    What is the supreme force in the universe?
    How can I change the world?

    “The old man with the white beard showed me the spiritual side of life,” writes Deepak Chopra, “where real passion and excitement come from. So before you begin, take a deep breath. This story could turn out to be yours.”

  • Born into the factious world of war-torn Arabia, Muhammad experienced a life that is a gripping and inspiring story of one man’s tireless fight for unity and peace. In a world in which greed and injustice ruled, Muhammad created change by affecting hearts and minds. Just as the story of Jesus embodies the message of Christianity, Muhammad’s life reveals the core of Islam. Deepak Chopra shares the life of Muhammad as never before, putting his teachings in a new light.

  • Jesus is a fresh and inspirational reimagining of a young man's transformational journey from carpenter's son to revolutionary leader to the man whom many believe to be the savior of the world.

    Very little is known or recorded about Jesus in his formative years. In the Gospel stories, we witness the birth of Jesus and then see him as a young boy of twelve intensely questioning the rabbis in the Second Temple in Jerusalem. Jesus does not reappear until age thirty, when he emerges as the potent and stirring rebel baptized by John at the River Jordan. What happens to Jesus in those lost years? How did Jesus the young boy become Christ the Savior?

    With his characteristic ability for imparting profound spiritual insights through the power of storytelling, Chopra's Jesus will capture the life of Jesus as never before.