
Micah Linford

Micah Linford
  • A collection of five steamy Nathan Cotton romances by author Lydia Parks

    Dark Desires

    When Nathan meets Amy, she’s in tears. Frustrated that she’s not more interested in sex, her boyfriend has left to consider their relationship. Nathan knows he should leave the young woman alone—relationships with vampires can be hazardous for mortal females. But he can’t fight the attraction, so he offers to become her sexual tutor and show her how to please her boyfriend.

    All Night Long

    After receiving a mysterious invitation to an exclusive party hosted by a human claiming to be a vampire, Nathan knows he has to shut it down before someone realizes what he is. Joining forces with an undercover cop, he lands himself in the middle of an orgy with a woman that reminds him of someone from his past—a woman who changed him forever.

    A New Year’s Bite

    Terra’s boyfriend is a wonderful man but rotten in bed, and her parents want her to bring her new beau to their New Year’s party. Nathan joins them in the bedroom and gives the young man lessons. And he even helps Terra by posing as her date for the party. But when he finds a body, Nathan is mistaken for the killer, and an alluring woman complicates matters further.

    The Truth about Vampires

    Nathan runs into Rebecca Good, a woman who has strange and unwanted effects on him. To find out who she is, Nathan enlists the help of his good friend Terra. But when he finally faces Rebecca, he discovers not only that she’s a witch but that she also knows the truth about vampires. Will he survive their encounter? And has his curiosity placed Terra in the path of danger?

    Final Choices

    Nathan thinks he’s being followed and wonders if the ghosts of his mistakes are coming for him. Would a ghost pose a threat to Terra, the only human he cares about? Terra’s new partner is a gorgeous cop from LA, and she wonders how long she can resist his charm. He seems intent on getting to know her better. But why does she think about Nathan when she’s in Austin’s arms?

  • Nathan wakes one evening to find a strange note in his mailbox. The handwritten invitation is to an exclusive vampire party, and it promises all of his appetites will be fulfilled. Concerned that someone knows what he is, he attends the party and discovers that the invitation was left in innocence, but that the party’s human host claims to be a vampire. Nathan can’t allow the attention caused by such a claim to continue.

    Sitting alone at a table, Nathan finds Terra, an undercover detective who also wants to shut the party down. She’s determined and attractive, but she obviously doesn’t fit in with the crowd. Nathan proposes that they join forces, enjoying the fact that such a union takes them into the middle of an orgy. Terra’s morality reminds Nathan of another woman from his past—a woman who changed him forever. Will Terra have the same effect?

  • The legend of the weeping stones is old: they weep only in the presence of one whose destiny is integral to the survival of Scotland. However, there is a sting in the tail of the blessing; whoever is so marked by the stone is fated to love only once, whether it be for good or ill.

    Gair witnessed the stone weep when Heather touched it. Now he must decide whether to uphold his oath to protect the Templar Knights’ treasure, or protect at all costs the frail lass who is destined to save his beloved Scotland. With either choice, his soul and his heart are at risk.

    Heather knows she is destined to love only once. Now, trussed and kidnapped, she vows never to trust the man who in one breath tries to kill her and in the next vows to keep her safe from harm—even though her heart aches for him to love her.

  • When Nathan meets Amy, she’s in tears. Frustrated that she’s not more interested in sex, her boyfriend has left to consider their relationship. Nathan knows he should leave the young woman alone—relationships with a four-hundred-year-old vampire can be hazardous for mortal females. But he can’t fight the attraction any more than he can understand it, so he offers to become her sexual tutor and show her how to please her boyfriend. Unable to battle his power of persuasion, Amy agrees.

    While Nathan is seducing Amy in ways she’s never imagined, and showing her things no mortal lover could, she’s falling in love with him. When she learns his secret, she’s ready to join him in eternity. Haunted by memories of his past, Nathan must find a way to convince Amy that she doesn’t belong in the darkness. But can he convince himself to let her go?