
Dr. Larry Iverson

Dr. Larry Iverson
  • No one would choose anxiety. And there is no “Off Switch” to turn off the anxious feelings and thoughts. These feelings can often disrupt your sleep, compounding the anxiety even further.

    If anxiety and fear is a problem for you, this audio program can help! Do you often feel stuck, frustrated, and powerless to do anything about your anxiety? Well you are not alone! Approximately 40 Million Americans, about 18% of the population, suffer from some form of anxiety. But there is a way to move forward, a path to living the life you so desperately want.

    This audio program will help you get started on this new journey today!

    Join Dr. Larry Iverson, Clinical Psychologist, who uses enthusiasm and humor to help you gain control of your life, and Dr. Mort Ormon, stress coach and Founder of the Stress Mastery Academy, who shows you how to relieve stress, enter relaxation and sleep well.

  • “Just shut up and work, __________!”

    Everyone has a name they would put in that spot if they could say what they really feel at work sometimes. To be successful we must learn how to rise up and become the changing detoxifying force in our work space. In this program, learn to deal with mean-spirited people, create positive energy from a negative environment, deal with criticism constructively, and resolve conflict with class and poise.

    Take the concepts to heart and watch as you lead the way to a better and nontoxic workplace for you and everyone else!

  • Have you ever watched someone who is consistently exceptional at what they do? That isn’t an accident. It took perseverance, a will to win, and massive amounts of time and energy. It took proactive, focused action, a strong belief in themselves and their potential. It was the result of building up a sustained passion for their vision and their goals. It was creativity, finding new and unique ways to make things happen. It was overcoming conflicts because nothing ever happens without some conflict.

    Within you are the seeds of greatness. You can have amazing relationships, be an influential leader, achieve your financial goals, and much more. Those billions of neurons with trillions of connections within your brain can help you succeed … or block your efforts.

    In Forward Thinking you will learn how to apply the Psychology of Leadership Success Systems to take your life, career, athletic performance, and more to the level of achievement you’ve only previously dreamed of.

  • Do you ever wonder what needs to be done to take your career, athletic performance, physical health, and more to the next level? Are there habits that you just can’t seem to break or that get in your way at times? Have you wondered why some people have such huge success but you’ve never gotten there?

    In The Science of Taking Charge you will learn strategies to increase your mental control and make you mentally tougher. You will gain methods for breaking through worry, procrastination, anxiety, frustration, and other fear-based emotions. You are about to learn how to supercharge your brain so you can become an ultra-high performer!

    The only person who can stop you from learning how to achieve what you want is you. It is time to begin taking steps today to enhance your mental toughness so you can laser focus your mind on the goals that are important to you. It’s time to quit wishing and start doing and achieving.

    No one can change your attitude, increase your skills or mental control—only you can. Where you are today is the result of what you’ve been telling yourself for years about what you can and can’t do. No one can stop you, and only you can start you in the reality you desire. Choose to start now!

    In The Science of Taking Charge you will

    • learn the secrets of motivation and eliminating procrastination so you take goal-focused action;
    • know how to apply the “inner game” strategies for athletics, career, learning, and more;
    • understand how to fire up your brain and turn it into a success-seeking missile;
    • gain strategies for rapidly calming yourself in a conflict or tense situation;
    • know how to handle stress and pressure so you don’t become burned out;
    • learn seven methods for helping break through unwanted emotions and bad habits; and
    • know the focusing strategies that build greater control and mental toughness.

    Isn’t it great when you have a step-by-step procedure to follow? Or a clear formula is laid out that explains exactly how to do what needs to be done? In The Science of Taking Charge you will learn how to take your life, career, athletic performance, and more to the level of achievement you’ve only previously dreamed of. Take action and begin learning how today. 

    Contents include:

    1. Winning under Pressure
    2. Mastering the Inner Game
    3. Breaking Unconscious Patterns That Hold You Back
    4. Controlling Your Destiny
    5. Guided Focused Concentration
    6. Fire Up Your Brain!
    7. Generating Harmony throughout Your Life
    8. The Heart of Motivation
    9. Running Your Brain
  • In networking situations, anyone can feel awkward at one time or another—even those charismatic extroverts who look like they are having all the fun! But that awkward experience doesn’t have to be yours—not anymore. Talk to Anyone gives you all the tools and techniques you need to master the art of networking.

    Through this finely tuned system for maximizing your charm at networking events, you can hone your skill and charisma while networking experts guide you through every aspect of meeting and greeting.

    From an easy gift of gab to developing business prospects, following these proven strategies will give you the power to work any room with ease and confidence. Gain confidence in any social situation and to make the most of every outing.

  • Knowing how to negotiate price, terms, and product delivery are some of the most essential steps toward getting to “yes” in a selling situation. This multi-session audio program from seasoned sales experts offers negotiation training from a variety of viewpoints.

    Discover how to master your voice inflection, understand how to be assertive without being pushy, and learn the secrets to mastering price negotiations. Powered with these skills, sales professionals are proven to move complex deals forward in less time.

    For sales personnel in any industry, mastering negotiation skills is the ticket to earning more in your profession—and getting what you want!

  • What does it take to become a self-confident person? And what happens when you lose it and need it back?

    Self-confident people exude passion and achieve extraordinary results. Join ten experts in self-confidence as they share the systems for what the most successful people in the world enjoy—powerful self-confidence!

    Powerful Self-Confidence will teach you skills to increase your emotional capacity, build an unshakable belief in yourself and experience increased performance through self-confidence. Implement the systems and tools offered in this program, and you will cultivate a healthy and confident state-of-mind to propel your life forward.

  • Are you feeling stuck in your current job and need that certain something to get to the next level? Never fear—the information you need is close at hand.

    In this multi-session audio program, you’ll get strategies from experts to supercharge your career. Gain practical skills for moving up and securing job promotions.

    • Discover the key elements of an effective elevator speech
    • Create a personal vision statement to guide your daily actions
    • Develop the self-discipline for exceptional performance

    With Break through Your Glass Ceiling, you will leverage a proven system which highly paid professionals rely on to achieve promotions. Get to the next rung on the corporate ladder and give your career a boost. You work hard and you’ve earned it!

  • Have you ever wondered how some people seem to thrive under pressure? This audio program, which features perspectives from nine bestselling authors, will teach you how to tackle more projects with essential time management skills.

    Never before has a collection of individuals such as this come together to share their unique perspectives on getting more done in less time. Listen as these authors, psychologists, and speakers—including John Maxwell, Chris Widener, Dr. Larry Iverson, and Dianna Booher—share incredible tips and practical strategies. This collection of audio programs is the perfect addition to your learning library.

    This program will help you bring your life back under control and into balance by sharing practical strategies on managing time. Plus, you'll discover relaxation exercises to unwind your mind after a busy day of meeting deadlines.

  • Can a person have too many positive habits? This audio program gives you step-by-step instructions that are essential to building strong habits that allow you to flourish.

    This collection of audio recordings from bestselling authors offers methods for tapping into greater wisdom and resources to create a life based on your own terms. By identifying bad habits and breaking the stubborn ones, you can set yourself up for a life of balance and harmony.

    Here are simple yet practical skills and the inspiration to help you take control of your life. This program includes:

    1. Breaking Old Habits
    2. Exploring What You Believe
    3. Dealing with Doubt

    Tap into these principles of success and set up positive life habits to replace bad ones. The power of habit is an incredible thing—put this to use in your own life with this inspiring audio program.

  • Knowing how to lead difficult people in crucial conversations to improved relationships is an essential skill. In this audio program, you will learn proven tactics and strategies to assist you in anticipating problem people, stopping tensions from boiling over, retaining the upper hand in a conflict, stopping power plays, and helping those with communication issues to avoid communication breakdowns. During this program learn

    • how to instantly read people and situations;
    • how to handle difficult people and their emotional storms;
    • how to build your power when someone pulls a power play;
    • how to prepare for a conflict and steer a conversation;
    • how to overcome barriers with people who are resistant to change;
    • the five best ways to handle conflict when it happens.

    These strategies will make a difference in every area of your life as you develop techniques to easily and rapidly handle person-to-person issues. Let psychologist Larry Iverson help you gain a leadership edge and stay in control by applying the principles of High Stakes Communications.

  • Develop the skills of command in this fast-paced, step-by-step program by Dr. Larry Iverson. This program will teach you the skills needed to achieve compliance—skills that are used by incident commanders, firefighters, and other professionals who require instant respect. Using the verbal and nonverbal tactics taught here, you can get people to immediately believe you have the credibility you deserve.

    Author of Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill said, "Success leaves tracks which you can follow." Applying the proven inner-game strategies used by the highly successful will help you go from where you are today to the tomorrow you desire—with greater ease and speed.

  • Join a #1 bestselling author and an internationally published psychologist in an entertaining look at successfully dealing with intimidating personality types. Get prepared for crucial conversations with the top seven personality types and learn how successful leaders deal with their challenges. Mastery in dealing with difficult people and tense situations is a learned skill, and through this program you will learn techniques that will allow you to easily and rapidly handle interpersonal communications issues. This knowledge will help you gain a leadership edge and stay in control during high stakes communications with every personality type.

  • According to recent studies, your nonverbal signals communicate more powerfully than your words. What do your body language, clothing choice, and vocal intonation say about you? Knowing exactly what you want to communicate by your body language can be the difference between winning the sale, getting the job, or influencing groups of people to your point of view and not.

    Learn from experts in communication and psychology how you can structure your communications more effectively by understanding the laws of approachability and the psychology of great communications. Armed with this information, you will quickly be able to assess where others are coming from to build instant rapport.

    With the knowledge from this series of recordings you will increase your charisma, credibility, and clout. Your actions will determine how you are perceived: weak or powerful, unsure or confident, insecure or ready to take on the world. Don’t leave your communications to chance; take control of how others perceive you both in and out of the workplace.

  • Raising a motivated teenager doesn’t have to be a struggle! Empower yourself with the knowledge that will make your child-rearing years a success. Plenty of tools and methods exist that you can use today to make your child’s teen years happy and successful. These are pivotal years in the life of your child, and you can prepare your teenagers to be productive in school, happy in their relationships, and on their way to a bright future.

    Parents have dealt with rebellious teen behavior since time immemorial. In this collection of audio programs, various authors, psychologists, motivators, and parenting experts offer their views and advice on exactly what you can do to make changes in your family relationships. Whether you are interested in helping your teen excel in school or sports, or if you’re like the millions of parents who are challenged with a troubled teen, then help is on the way! Learn specific tips on common topics ranging from teen discipline, texting and cell phone usage, video games, time on the computer, dating, drugs and alcohol, and myriad other distractions today’s teens face each day.

    This program provides the tools and knowledge you need to raise a teenager who is happy, motivated, fulfilled, healthy, and skilled.

  • Listen to the experts as they weigh in with time-tested advice on preparing your children for a brilliant future.

    Parenting great kids doesn't happen by accident, and with the proper training, anyone can raise positive, motivated children. In today's fast-paced culture, vast amounts of information bombard our children from all sides, competing for their attention. Nevertheless, research demonstrates that a parent's involvement is the number-one contributing factor to the ultimate respectfulness and motivation of kids.

    So the question is, how do you structure your communications and activities with your children to create a positive attitude with a bright future? InThe Magic of Positive Parenting, you will learn modern child-rearing techniques from doctors, psychologists, parenting experts, and bestselling authors. In this easy-to-digest program, leading professional speakers offer quick, thirty-minute segments that you can listen to while in the car, working out, or relaxing at home.

  • If you want to influence, persuade, or inspire your team, clients, or a room of colleagues, you need to be a skilled speaker. Are your communications skills up to par? Can you think on your feet and deliver a compelling message at any moment? Learn how to deliver presentations, lead meetings, and communicate the company vision with ease and confidence, speaking in a compelling manner that arrests attention and makes people want to follow you.

    Use the time-tested strategies in this audio collection from America's leading communicators and bestselling authors to learn and practice your skills. Your words matter, as does how you carry yourself when you speak. When you communicate your vision with passion and fire, you will move people into action.

    Some people say communication skills are essential to your business success, but advanced skills are rarely taught in schools and universities. Now you can learn at your own pace at a time that's convenient for you, while you commute or workout. Understand how you can become a "leader manager" and advance your position in the workplace.

  • Expand your vocabulary and verbal acuity!

    It’s a multi-session communications retreat in a box! And with Verbal Mastery, this eleven-part audio program, you’ll have unlimited access to the world’s top communication experts any time you want. Become a clever conversationalist and confident communicator, never at a loss for words in any social or work situation. From your choice of words to how to use them to work a room, the Verbal Mastery audio suite offers hours of techniques to increase your speaking power. Also included is a bonus PDF workbook with 750 vocabulary words, definitions and common usage. Finally, master the language of success and become a verbal superpower with George Walther’s DVD, Power Talking: What You Say Is What You Get.

    The four-part verbal power system includes powerful and practical words selected from authoritative, respected sources such as theWall Street Journal and New York Times. Included are 750 essential words you need to speak fearlessly, command more respect, gain credibility, write with greater clarity, reduce social awkwardness, and, most importantly, increase your earning potential.

  • Relax. Learn. Achieve.

    As the amount of published information rapidly increases, our ability to recall vital facts and absorb information quickly becomes more and more important. What can we learn from the world’s leading experts on brain science about memory and learning? Join us in a fascinating discovery by a team of UCLA neuroscientists who are demonstrating that exposure to computer technology causes rapid and profound changes in neural circuitry. Learn how to manage these changes and use them to your advantage when absorbing information.

    With these practical programs, you will learn how to keep your brain sharp and performing at peak levels. Recall names, faces, and crucial facts easily as you tap your enormous capacity to remember.

    Combine speed-reading skills with memory techniques from a two time USA Memory Champion and you have an unprecedented resource for learning in the twenty-first century. With techniques for managing information from The Productivity Pro™ and a rapid learning course from Brian Tracy, you will have the confidence to achieve success in your personal and business life.

  • Feeling confident, enjoying your life, and being successful doesn’t happen by accident. Would knowing how to stop negative thinking be helpful to you? With the tools in this groundbreaking audio program, you will discover the best methods to change old behavior patterns and use your mind to feel poised, calm, and confident. Use the ten-minute stress-relief visualization program to feel confident and relaxed in any situation. Learn from entertaining experts who have overcome their own self-imposed limitations and achieved amazing results. Many people have self-sabotaging tapes that play over and over in their minds from previous life experiences. Now you can learn how to create an unshakable belief in yourself through inspiring stories and proven techniques from researchers and medical doctors from Harvard Medical School. Starting today you can begin building a powerful mindset that takes you ever closer to the type of life you want.

    Contents include:
    Energize Your Mind: The Keys to Becoming Unstoppable, Confident and Feeling Great! by Dr. Larry Iverson
    The 3 Keys to Exceptional Achievement: How to Build a Winning Mindset by Dr. Larry Iverson
    Confidence & Self-Esteem in 30 Minutes: Beat Your Worries and Gain a Mindset of Success by Dr. Larry Iverson
    What To Do When It Isn’t Working by Bob Proctor
    Stress Relief: Relaxation & Confidence – Visualization to Handle Life’s Surprises by Lorraine Howell
    Stop That Stinking Thinking: Shift Your Attitude and Regain Perspective by Laura Stack
    Stress Management for Better Life Balance by Kimberly Alyn
    Learn to Make Life Happen for You: Guided Imagery/Hypnosis Audio by Crystal Dwyer
    Building a Healthy Self-Image by Zig Ziglar
    Amp Up Your Mental Health by Dr. Mache Seibel

  • What is it about the top percentile of high earners in business, and how can you “join the club”? Join job and career experts as they share their experience and wisdom on how to find the perfect job and get promoted faster. Explore how to approach the job market to quickly find those hard-to-find jobs, then approach these opportunities in such a way that your job application stands out from the competition. When it comes to interviewing, use proven relaxation and visualization techniques to come across natural, confident, and professional. Even if you are the underdog without a college degree or MBA, learn how to win jobs over people with better qualifications. Once you land your dream job, discover the philosophy of advancement to accelerate your career success, earning raises and making you the person your company fights to keep.

    Contents include:
    SuperCompetent: The Six Keys to Perform at Your Productive Best by Laura Stack, MBA, CSP
    Job Hunting Essentials: Overcome the 3 Mindsets That Will Block Your Success! by Dr. Larry Iverson
    Rip-Roaring Job Wealth: Succeeding in Any Economy by Mark Victor Hansen
    How to Get the Job You Always Wanted: 30 Minute Success Series by Brad Worthley
    Running Toward Your Next Job by Jennifer Sedlock
    Job Interview Success System: Relax and Communicate Your Value to Prospective Employers by Lorraine Howell
    Success Without a College Degree: Shattering the Myth by John Murphy
    How to Be a Person Companies Fight to Keep by Connie Podesta
    A Sense of Urgency Creates Great Work by Bob Proctor
    Ridiculous Bliss at Work by Matthew Ferry
    Crafting Competitive Resumes Without a College Degree by John Murphy