
Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray
  • God has called his people to be holy. His eternal plan for those who would believe in him does not end with salvation but rather continues on in an ever-growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Through Christ we are sanctified, set apart for a life of peace and abundance.

    In Holy in Christ, Andrew Murray delves deeper into God’s plan for his children. Using scripture to illuminate God’s call to holiness, Murray offers listeners insight into the purpose of eternity and all that we have to live for here on Earth. Profound and inspiring, Holy in Christ is truly a gift to believers seeking a deeper relationship with Christ.

  • Rather than accepting God's invitation to enter into his throne room, many Christians hesitate, uncertain and ashamed, just outside the door. There they stand alone, foolishly ignoring the glory Christ offers as he beckons them to his table, to his house. They accept Jesus as their redeemer but can't seem to pass beyond the threshold of their faith, thereby missing out on the joy that awaits them in the presence of God.

    In Abide in Christ, Pastor Andrew Murray encourages listeners to live closer to God, in communion and fellowship with him. These thirty-one heart-searching readings will help listeners accept God's invitation to come closer to him and live in his blessings and glory.

  • In this thirty-one day devotional, Reverend Murray uses the gospel parable of the vine and its branches to illustrate the beautiful relationship we are meant to have with Christ.

    Find out in these inspiring pages how you can dwell in God’s rich love, receive answers to your prayers, weather life’s difficult storms, establish unbroken communion with Christ, replace fear and doubt with lasting peace, rest in God’s secure protection, and produce eternal results.

    The fullness of God’s merciful loving kindness awaits you. You can come through life’s greatest difficulties safely, and every longing of your heart can be satisfied. Discover that, as you daily abide in the Vine, your branch will grow and bloom, enriched by the nourishing presence of the Lord.