
Jenniffer Weigel

Jenniffer Weigel
  • Jenniffer interviews well-known healers, mediums, and psychics.

    1. Rebecca Rosen
    2. Charlie Goldsmith
    3. Mavis Patilla
    4. Concetta Bertoldi
    5. Paul Selig
    6. Pat Longo
    7. Marrice Coverson
    8. Suzanne Giesmann
    9. Susan Rowlen
    10. Marla Frees
    11. Andrew Anderson
    12. Sheri Jewel
    13. Mollie Morningstar
  • From Jenniffer Weigle’s radio show on WGN in Chicago called I’m Spiritual, Dammit! comes this collection of podcasts on spirituality in the business place. In conversations with business leaders and experts—from CEO consultants to money managers—these interviewees tell why they believe in the need to incorporate spiritual practices into their business model for greater success.

    Included are interviews with Jennifer Connor, CEO of Mustard Girl Mustard, and Kathryn Guylay, author of Mountain Mantras: Wellness and Life Lessons from the Slopes.

  • This is a compilation of podcasts of a show by Jenniffer Weigel that is broadcast on WGN radio in Chicago, called I’m Spiritual, Dammit!

    1. Caroline Myss
    2. Echo Bodine
    3. Neale Donald Walsch
    4. Eben Alexander
    5. Concetta Bertoldi
    6. Dr. Raymond Moody
    7. Dr. Judith Orloff
    8. Dr. Mary Neal
    9. Maureen Hancock
    10. Pam Grout
    11. Rebecca Rosen
    12. Sonia Choquette

    Be sure to check out other compilations from the podcast, also available from Blackstone Audio!

  • Is it possible to be grounded and have a rich interior life? Is it possible to get through the day with poise when everything hits the fan? Is it possible to have a spiritual life and not be a wing-nut? For Jen Weigel, the answer to all three questions is a resounding yes.

    This is an honest, amusing teaching memoir rooted in Weigel’s everyday experience as a mother, television personality, and performance artist. Weigel provides thirteen common-sense rules for developing a sane and satisfying interior life—ranging from “trust that you are where you are supposed to be in every moment” to “always look for signs”—to “don’t get lost in a guru.” What makes this book so fun and refreshing is Weigel’s voice, and the fact that, in the words of one of her friends, she is a “magnet for really bizarre shit.”

    Whether she is playing chicken with deranged Chicago drivers with “Jesus Saves” bumper stickers, trying to keep those extra pounds off, interviewing celebrities on television, or encountering the spirit of her dead father (who keeps appearing in the guise of a cardinal—a bird, not a prelate), Weigel maintains a zest for learning, living, and loving. Her high-spirited stories illustrate core life principles and convey an immediacy and energy that readers will find delightful.

  • Since the dawn of time, people have been fascinated by those who claim to have extraordinary psychic abilities. The fascination has reached a fever pitch with the rise of modern media.

    It is safe to say that many of these folks are either extraordinary frauds or extraordinarily deluded. But could some of them be legitimate? Do some people actually possess psychic gifts that can be used to help and heal?

    For twenty years, Emmy Award–winning journalist Jenniffer Weigel has been interviewing and investigating mediums, psychics, and healers. She became particularly interested in this topic after the death of her father in 2001. “I felt that as a journalist, it was my duty to go behind the scenes with these people who claim they can talk to dead people or heal the sick and really pull the curtain back on these so-called gifts.”

    Here you will find in-depth interviews with today’s top mediums, psychics, and healers, including Thomas John, Judith Orloff, Concetta Bertoldi, Caroline Myss, Echo Bodine, Rebecca Rosen, Paul Selig, and Michael Bodine. In addition to the interviews, each chapter contains readings for both Weigel and an individual previously unknown to the medium, psychic, or healer. In short, Weigel puts these psychically gifted people to the test—and the results are startling and profound.

  • A compilation of podcasts broadcast on WGN radio in Chicago, called I’m Spiritual, Dammit!

    Dr. Eben Alexander, bestselling author of Proof of Heaven and Map of Heaven; a neurosurgeon who was in a coma for seven days with meningitis

    Dr. Judith Orloff, bestselling author of several books, including Positive Energy and Second Sight

    Dr. Mary Neal, bestselling author of Heaven and Back

    John St. Augustine, author of Every Moment Matters who had two near-death experiences

    Lisa Dietlin, author of I Got Hit by a Taxi, but You Look Run Over

    Kelly Standing, author of Still Standing who had five near-death experiences

    Dr. Elaine Ferguson, author of Super Healing

    Dr. Jay Joshi, director for National Pain Centers

  • When a local psychic reduces Chicago’s popular, down-to-earth sportscaster Tim Weigel to tears, his daughter Jenniffer questions her own spiritual beliefs. Stay Tuned is Jenniffer’s story of a father and daughter’s journey from materialistic journalists to spiritually attuned spiritual beings—a journey that continues even after his death.

    During his illness, while Tim turns to alternative treatments like chi gong and reiki sessions, Jenniffer reads Neale Donald Walsch, starts a spiritual diet plan, and uses the law of attraction to find free parking spaces. The book takes you on a witty, irreverent trip through popular spiritual beliefs and insights of masters and celebrities, including Don Miguel Ruiz, James Van Praagh, and Russell Crowe, as this intelligent, award-winning broadcaster transforms from “cynical daughter” to “spiritual woman.”

  • Part manual and part memoir, Jenniffer Weigel pulls back the curtain of her life and shares how getting a divorce and moving away from her “white picket fence” dream actually helped her gain a greater awareness and happiness. Her sense of humor reminds us that even though staying on the spiritual path has its fair share of challenges, you are not alone and you will laugh again.

    Each chapter of This Isn’t the Life I Ordered delivers a nugget of wisdom that will leave you inspired and entertained. Jenniffer shows the human side of trying to be spiritual, with several laughs and poignant lessons along the way.

    This audiobook includes interviews with bestselling authors Caroline Myss, Anita Moorjani, and Dr. Mary Neal.

  • Emmy Award–winning broadcaster Jenniffer Weigel interviews twelve of the best-known names in the metaphysical field in this compilation of podcasts of Weigel’s show, broadcast on WGN radio in Chicago, called I’m Spiritual, Dammit!

    In this collection, Jenniffer Weigel interviews the following people:

    Rebecca Rosen is a medium who came into her gifts at age twenty when she started receiving guidance from her deceased grandmother. She is the author of the bestselling books Spirited: Unlock Your Psychic Self and Change Your Life and Awaken the Spirit Within: 10 Steps to Ignite Your Life and Fulfill Your Divine Purpose.

    Caroline Myss is medical intuitive and the author of Anatomy of the Spirit, Defy Gravity, and the New York Times bestseller Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential. Here she shares her insights about health, wellness, and her deep faith.

    Linda Howe is an award-winning author and founder of the Linda Howe Center for Akashic Studies. In this interview, she discusses her beliefs about past lives and how studying your Akashic records can help you overcome persistent life challenges.

    Thomas John, a New York City medium, talks about his gifts as a medium and psychic and about recent tabloid headlines involving his past.

    Echo Bodine is a healer and psychic and author of eleven books, including What Happens When We Die: A Psychic’s Exploration of Death, Heaven, and the Soul’s Journey after Death. She discusses how to recognize and develop your intuition and how she ghostbusts haunted houses.

    Michael Bodine, ghostbuster, psychic, and author, talks in this interview about growing up in one of the country’s most psychic families.

    Maureen Hancock, a medium and author of The Medium Next Door: Adventures of a Real-Life Ghost Whisperer, talks about her psychic gifts and her two near-death experiences.

    Concetta Bertoldi is the author of the New York Times bestselling book Do Dead People Watch You Shower?: And Other Questions You’ve Been All but Dying to Ask a Medium. She discusses being a medium, what happens when we die, and the difficulties of “coming out” about her gifts.

    Paul Selig is a well-known channeler and author of several bestselling books, including The Book of Mastery. He discusses how a spiritual experience in 1987 changed his life and how, as an educator at New York University for twenty-five years, he was hesitant to “come out” as a clairvoyant.

    Martie Hughes is a registered medium in the spiritualist town of Lily Dale, New York. Here she discusses her theories of the “other side” and the rich history of Lily Dale, where thousands of people convene annually for workshops, medium readings, and healings.

    Denise Guzzardo, an intuitive since childhood, has been using her psychic abilities for decades to help people navigate through loss, while also channeling those on the other side.

    Jorianne The Coffee Psychic has been psychic since the age of seven. She discusses using the images she receives from pouring cream into hot coffee to predict the future for hundreds of people each year.