“Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse Than You Think is the ultimate guidebook to exposing and fighting this Marxist plan masquerading as environmental policy…If you care about America’s future, read this book.” —Mark R. Levin, #1 New York Times bestselling author and nationally syndicated TV and radio broadcaster
- The Saad Truth about Happiness
By Gad Saad
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 7/25/23
Formats: Digital Audy
Professor and “de facto global therapist” to an ever-growing audience of hundreds of thousands of people builds on national bestseller The Parasitic Mind to argue that happiness is not merely a changeable mood but a process toward which we can strive by following some basic steps that have been known to humans for millennia.
Happiness is a fact
It is a scientific fact, which means we can measure it, we can assess it, and we can devise strategies to make ourselves happy and fulfilled human beings.
Or so says, Professor Gad Saad, author of the sensational national bestseller The Parasitic Mind and popular host of The Saad Truth podcast. Professor Saad roams through the scientific studies, the wisdom of ancient philosophy and religion, and his extraordinary personal experience as a refugee from war-torn Lebanon turned academic celebrity to provide one of the most provocative, helpful, and entertaining listens you are likely to encounter.
In The Saad Truth about Happiness you’ll learn the secrets to living the good life, including:how to live the life you want—not necessarily the life expected of you,
why resilience is a key to happiness,
why your career needs to have a higher purpose than a paycheck,
how variety truly can be the spice of life,
why marriage is so important,
how Aristotle had it right when he preached moderation, and
why you should take a hint from your dog and realize that playfulness equals happiness.
Enlightening, bold, and good-humored, The Saad Truth about Happiness is as lively, stimulating, and captivating as its author, who has become a “de facto global therapist” to an ever-growing audience of hundreds of thousands of people. Listen to this book and you’ll see why so many seek his counsel.
- The Saad Truth about Happiness
By Gad Saad
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 7/25/23
Formats: Digital Audy
- Green Fraud
By Marc Morano
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 3/23/21
Formats: Digital Audy
Marc Morano’s analysis of the proposed Green New Deal is eye-opening and damning. In his new book, Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse Than You Think, Morano exposes the program as a far-left agenda filled with progressive policies disguised as a way to save the planet.
No matter what the environmental scare-of-the-day may be, Morano says, the same solution is always proposed—and that solution should scare us. Morano clearly shows how the Green New Deal will lay a path for “global governance,” resulting in less freedom, less sovereignty, massive government bureaucracy, and significant, crippling wealth redistribution.
Drawing on past “new deals” to illustrate the impact such “deals” have on the United States, Morano will explain how FDR’s New Deal and Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” really impacted American society. And this latest big government program is no different.
In Green Fraud, Morano reveals
- how the Green New Deal’s objectives extend far beyond the environment—including free college; “healthy food” for all; “safe, affordable, adequate housing” provided by the government; and other far-left agenda items;
- that in Europe, where climate policies are years ahead of the United States, energy rationing, low economic growth, and rising costs are leading to misery and even death among Europeans;
- how even Green New Deal allies such as the New York Times and Washington Post have outed the legislation as a wish-list of progressive policies; and
- how America can and must defeat the Green New Deal and restore sanity to the climate and energy policy discussion.
- Green Fraud
By Marc Morano
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 3/23/21
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Price of Panic
By Douglas Axe, William M. Briggs, and Jay W. Richards
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 10/13/20
Formats: Digital Audy
For the first time in history, the world shut itself down—by choice—all for fear of a virus, COVID-19, that wasn’t well understood. The government, with the support of most Americans, ordered the closure of tens of thousands of small businesses—many never to return. Almost every school and college in the country sent its students home to finish the school year in front of a computer. Churches canceled worship services. “Social distancing” went from a non-word to a moral obligation overnight. Moral preening on social media achieved ever new heights.
The world will reopen and life will go on, but what kind of world will it be when it does? It can’t be what it was, because of what’s just happened.
Professors Jay Richards, William Briggs, and Douglas Axe take a deep dive into the crucial questions on the minds of millions of Americans during one of the most jarring and unprecedented global events in a generation.
- What will be the total cost in dollars, lives, and livelihoods of this response from governments, on advice from Science?
- What role have national and global health organizations such as WHO played in this? To whom are they accountable?
- What evidence do they rely on in sounding the alarm?
- How did science bureaucrats, relying on murky data and speculative computer models, gain the power to shut down the global economy?
- How did politicians, who know nothing of the science, decide whom to trust?
We need to know what and how it happened, to keep it from ever happening again.
- The Price of Panic
By Douglas Axe, William M. Briggs, and Jay W. Richards
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 10/13/20
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Problem with Lincoln
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 7/07/20
Formats: Digital Audy
So many thousands of books deifying Abraham Lincoln have been published that it is nearly impossible for the average citizen to learn much of anything that is truthful about Lincoln’s presidency.
This book should create doubt in anyone’s mind over the designation of Abraham Lincoln as America’s greatest president. Some may even decide that he was the worst.
You’ll learn that Lincoln promised to protect slavery forever in his first inaugural address by endorsing the “Corwin Amendment” to the Constitution, which would have prohibited the federal government from ever interfering with Southern slavery. It should rightly be known as Lincoln’s “slavery forever” speech.
You’ll learn that the real reason why Lincoln launched an invasion of his own country (he never admitted that secession was legal or legitimate) was to destroy the voluntary union of the founders and replace it with a coerced union held together by violence and threats of violence, much more like the old Soviet Union than the original American union.
You were probably not taught in school that by waging total war on Southern civilians and bombing Southern cities into a smoldering ruin, Lincoln violated all moral codes and international law regarding waging war on civilians and opened the door to the horrific atrocities of twentieth-century warfare.
Finally, professor DiLorenzo introduces listeners to the real Abraham Lincoln.
- The Problem with Lincoln
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 7/07/20
Formats: Digital Audy
- Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 3/31/20
Formats: Digital Audy
For decades, Christians have felt voiceless in the critical debate over evolution. Until now. Finally, ordinary Christians have the opportunity and the resources to defeat the false claims of Darwinism. With all of the complicated scientific debate swirling around the topic of evolution, Christians need an easy way to understand the basic issues without oversimplifying. Phillip Johnson has the answer: the key to defeating the false claims of Darwinism is to open our minds to good thinking habits.
Here is first-rate advice on avoiding common mistakes in discussions about evolution, understanding the legacy of the Scopes trial, spotting deceptive arguments, and grasping the basic scientific issues without getting bogged down in unnecessary details.
In the bestselling and critically acclaimed Darwin on Trial and Reason in the Balance, Phillip Johnson took on the academic elites and exposed the misleading claims of evolutionary naturalism. Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds provides a new and powerful treatment of these issues for high-school students, parents, teachers, pastors, youth advisers, and ordinary listeners. Johnson aims not just to defeat a bad theory, but to defeat it in the right way—by opening minds to the truth.
- Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 3/31/20
Formats: Digital Audy
- Cool It
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 9/24/19
Formats: Digital Audy
A groundbreaking book that transforms the debate about global warming by offering a fresh perspective based on human needs as well as environmental concerns
Bjorn Lomborg argues that many of the elaborate and expensive actions now being considered to stop global warming will cost hundreds of billions of dollars, are often based on emotional rather than strictly scientific assumptions, and may very well have little impact on the world’s temperature for hundreds of years. Rather than starting with the most radical procedures, Lomborg argues that we should first focus our resources on more immediate concerns, such as fighting malaria and HIV/AIDS and assuring and maintaining a safe, fresh water supply—which can be addressed at a fraction of the cost and save millions of lives within our lifetime. He asks why the debate over climate change has stifled rational dialogue and killed meaningful dissent.
Lomborg presents us with a second generation of thinking on global warming that believes panic is neither warranted nor a constructive place from which to deal with any of humanity’s problems, not just global warming. Cool It promises to be one of the most talked about and influential books of our time.
- Cool It
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 9/24/19
Formats: Digital Audy
- Evolution
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 6/25/19
Formats: Digital Audy
More than thirty years after his landmark book Evolution: A Theory in Crisis (1985), biologist Michael Denton revisits his earlier thesis about the inability of Darwinian evolution to explain the history of life. He argues that there remains “an irresistible consilience of evidence for rejecting Darwinian cumulative selection as the major driving force of evolution.” From the origin of life to the origin of human language, the great divisions in the natural order are still as profound as ever, and they are still unsupported by the series of adaptive transitional forms predicted by Darwin. In addition, Denton makes a provocative new argument about the pervasiveness of nonadaptive order throughout biology, order that cannot be explained by the Darwinian mechanism.
- Evolution
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 6/25/19
Formats: Digital Audy
- Light-Horse Harry Lee
By Ryan Cole
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 1/15/19
Formats: Digital Audy
He was a dashing military hero who led the fight for America’s independence. His son would later become the general who almost tore America apart.
Henry Lee III—whose nickname, “Light-Horse,” came from his legendary exploits with mounted troops and skill in the saddle—was a dashing cavalry commander and hero of America’s War for Independence. By now most Americans have forgotten about Light-Horse Harry Lee, the father of Confederate general Robert E. Lee, but this new biography reveals he may be one of the most fascinating figures in our nation’s history. A daring military commander, Lee was also an early American statesman whose passionate argument in favor of national unity helped ratify the Constitution. When President George Washington needed to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion, he sent in his friend Light-Horse Harry Lee with twelve thousand militiamen. When Washington died, Lee was the man who famously eulogized our first president as “first in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen.” With incredible stories about Light-Horse Harry Lee’s interactions with famous men and women—including George and Martha Washington, Nathanial Greene, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr—this book paints a rich portrait of an underappreciated American character and provides unique new insight into the upbringing and motivations of Lee’s infamous son, General Robert E. Lee.
- Light-Horse Harry Lee
By Ryan Cole
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 1/15/19
Formats: Digital Audy
- America First
By Danny Toma
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 9/11/18
Formats: Digital Audy
For decades, Americans have been conditioned to believe “foreign policy” is the policy of prioritzing the interests of foreign nations over American interests. After all, that’s how previous presential administrations have behaved. But Donald Trump won the presidency because he promised a foreign policy that put America first. So what does Trump’s “America First” foreign policy doctrine mean in practice? What does putting America first actually look like in terms of our relations with the nearly two hundred countries around the globe? This book, written for those who scratch their heads at the mention of South Ossetia or Kurdistan, will take the entire world and break it down piece by piece, showing where America’s vital interests lie in the current geopolitical climate.
- America First
By Danny Toma
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 9/11/18
Formats: Digital Audy
- Erasing America
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 8/21/18
Formats: Digital Audy
Remember America? There may come a time when no one will.
There will be no monuments to American heroes, no stories that will praise them. The United States will have become a dark chapter in human history, best forgotten.
In Erasing America: Destroying Our Future by Erasing Our Past, James Robbins reveals that the radical Left controls education, the media, and the Democratic party … and they seek to demean, demolish, and relentlessly attack America’s past in order to control America’s present.
This toxic movement has already brainwashed an entire generation and is rapidly changing the cultural, historical, and spiritual bonds of our nation. American exceptionalism, history, and patriotism are a magnificent legacy, Robbins warns, but to pass it on to our children, we must view the past with understanding, the present with gratitude, and the future with hope.
Wondering if it’s really that bad? Here are some facts you’ll learn in Erasing America:
- At Yale, residential Calhoun College is being renamed after students complained about the pro-slavery sentiments of John C. Calhoun.
- In Massachusetts, Simmons College claims saying, “God bless you” is an “Islamophobic microaggression.”
- In Virginia, school districts seek to ban To Kill a Mockingbird and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn because parents complained about the racial slurs in the books.
- Across the country, Christmas songs and movies are labelled as racist and sexist—and banned.
- In California, a San Francisco school district wants to rename George Washington High School because our first president owned slaves.
- In Arkansas, a monument engraved with the Ten Commandments was smashed to smithereens by a protester in a Dodge Dart.
- And in parks and squares across the South, statues of confederate generals and soldiers are disappearing.
Robbins wants you to understand the critical situation in America, and to use Erasing America to equip your fellow Americans against this Leftist propaganda—before it’s too late!
- Erasing America
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 8/21/18
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration
By John Zmirak and Al Perrotta
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 5/21/18
Formats: Digital Audy
- Building “the Wall” would cost less than half of what we spend to educate illegal immigrants every year
- Illegal immigration costs American taxpayers $116 billion a year
- 62 percent of naturalized immigrants are for the Democrats; only 25 percent are for the Republicans
- Competition from immigrants costs American workers $450 billion a year
- The Founders wanted to admit only immigrants who would make a net contribution—and assimilate
- Millions of nineteenth-century immigrants who couldn’t make it in America went back home
- The percent of foreign-born in the United States today is the highest since World War I—and this time we’re not doing “Americanization”
- After Reagan’s 1986 Amnesty, the illegal population went from 3.2 million to 11 million
- Over 700,000 foreign visitors to the United States in 2016 overstayed their visas
- 80 percent of Central American women and girls who enter the United States illegally are raped along the way
- Noncitizens are only 9 percent of our population but 27 percent of federal prisoners
- 147 million more people from around the world would like to move to the United States
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Immigration
By John Zmirak and Al Perrotta
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 5/21/18
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change
By Marc Morano
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 2/26/18
Formats: Digital Audy
Less freedom. More regulation. Higher costs. Make no mistake: those are the surefire consequences of the modern global warming campaign waged by political and cultural elites, who have long ago abandoned fact-based science for dramatic fearmongering in order to push increased central planning. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change gives a voice—backed by statistics, real-life stories, and incontrovertible evidence—to the millions of “deplorable” Americans skeptical about the multibillion dollar “climate change” complex, whose claims have time and time again been proven wrong.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change
By Marc Morano
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 2/26/18
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Christianity
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 11/13/17
Formats: Digital Audy
Back by popular demand, the bestselling Politically Incorrect Guides provide an unvarnished, unapologetic overview of controversial topics every American should understand.
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Christianity offers answers to the secular world’s criticism of Christianity’s history, traditions, and beliefs.
You think you know about Christianity, but did you know …
- God likes “organized religion”; it’s clear from both the New and Old Testaments
- Christians have always believed that men and women are equal
- The correct pronoun for angels is “he”
- Science was stillborn everywhere outside the Christian West
- Christianity, which first taught the world to value victims, is now the victim of a victimhood culture
- Many “miracles” are actually historical facts
- Famous athiests haven’t been disinterested seekers of truth, but individuals with “issues” of their own
- Planned Parenthood kills more people every six days than the Spanish Inquisition killed in 350 years
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Christianity
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 11/13/17
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism
By Paul Kengor
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 10/02/17
Formats: Digital Audy
The worst idea in history is back!
Communism has wrecked national economies, enslaved whole peoples, and killed more than a hundred million men and women. What’s not to like?
Too many young Americans are supporting communism. Millennials prefer socialism to capitalism, and 25 percent have a positive view of Lenin. One in four Americans believe that George W. Bush killed more people than Joseph Stalin. And 69 percent of Millennials would vote for a socialist for president.
They ought to know better. Communism is the most dangerous idea in world history, producing dire poverty, repression, and carnage wherever it has been tried. And no wonder—because communism flatly denies morality, human nature, and basic facts. But it’s always going to be different this time.
Renowned scholar and bestselling author Paul Kengor unmasks communism, exposing its blood-drenched history and the strange sway it has long exercised over much of American media and education. He reveals:
- Stalin alone killed six times as many people as Hitler
- The Khmer Rouge slaughtered more than a third of the population of Cambodia
- Communists in Eastern Europe and worldwide tortured Christians
- Communist Party USA (CPUSA) was directly controlled by the Soviets
- Obama’s CIA director voted for the CPUSA candidate for president in 1980
- Unrepentant sixties-era communists are educating American teachers today
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism debunks the world’s worst ideology, sounds the alarm about its disturbing popular resurgence, and arms you with facts you need to refute its appeal.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to Communism
By Paul Kengor
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 10/02/17
Formats: Digital Audy
- Not a Day Care
By Dr. Everett Piper, with Bill Blankschaen
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 8/07/17
Formats: Digital Audy
What has happened to the American spirit? We’ve gone from “Give me liberty, or give me death!” to “Take care of me, please.” Our colleges were once bastions of free speech; now they’re bastions of speech codes. Our culture once rewarded independence; now it rewards victimhood. Parents once taught their kids how to fend for themselves; now, any parent who tries may get a visit from the police.
In Not a Day Care, Dr. Everett Piper, president of Oklahoma Wesleyan University and author of the viral essay, “This Is Not a Day Care. It’s a University!,” takes a hard look at what’s happening around the country—including the demand for “safe spaces” and trigger warnings at universities like Yale, Brandeis, and Oberlin—and digs in his heels against the sad and dangerous infantilization of the American spirit.
- Not a Day Care
By Dr. Everett Piper, with Bill Blankschaen
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 8/07/17
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Spree of ’83
By Freddy Powers and Catherine Powers, with Jake Brown
Exclusive commentary from Merle Haggard and Willie Nelson
Read by various narrators
Release Date: 7/01/17
Formats: Digital Audy
The Los Angeles Times affectionately referred to Freddy Powers as the “Ol’ Blue Eyes of Country Music,” and wrote that if you were to “ask country superstars Willie Nelson, George Jones, or Merle Haggard (they’ll) … tell you that he’s one of country music’s best-kept secrets.”
The Texas Country Music Hall of Fame inductee has been to the top of the charts as both a producer for Willie Nelson’s Grammy-winning LP Over the Rainbow, and as a songwriter for many of country music legend Merle Haggard’s number one hits.
Now, for the first time, Freddy recounts the entertaining and emotional stories behind his decades-long roller coaster ride through the music business; his voyage to the top of the charts, and his inspiring battle against Parkinson’s disease. Helping Freddy tell his story are exclusive interviews from fellow country music legends Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard, John Rich, Tanya Tucker, The Voice finalist and Powers’ protégé Mary Sarah, along with a host of other Nashville luminaries.
- The Spree of ’83
By Freddy Powers and Catherine Powers, with Jake Brown
Exclusive commentary from Merle Haggard and Willie Nelson
Read by various narrators
Release Date: 7/01/17
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to the American Revolution
By Larry Schweikart by Dave Dougherty
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 6/26/17
Formats: Digital Audy
The bestselling Politically Incorrect Guide series provides an unvarnished, unapologetic overview of controversial topics every American should understand.
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the American Revolution is a myth-busting review of the America’s violent struggle for independence.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to the American Revolution
By Larry Schweikart by Dave Dougherty
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 6/26/17
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Presidents, Part 1
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 1/09/17
Formats: Digital Audy
Back by popular demand, the bestselling Politically Incorrect Guides provide an unvarnished, unapologetic overview of the topics every American needs to know. The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Presidents, Part 1 profiles America’s early presidents, from George Washington to William Howard Taft.
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Presidents, Part 1
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 1/09/17
Formats: Digital Audy
- The War on Guns
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 8/01/16
Formats: Digital Audy
Gun-rights advocate John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime, rebuts recent antigun “factoids” with real statistics.
When it comes to the gun control debate, there are two kinds of data: data that’s accurate, and data that left-wing billionaires, politicians, and media want you to believe is accurate. In The War on Guns, economist and gun-rights advocate John Lott turns a skeptical eye to well-funded antigun studies and stories that perpetuate false statistics to frighten Americans into giving up their guns.
- The War on Guns
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 8/01/16
Formats: Digital Audy
- See No Evil
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 7/25/16
Formats: Digital Audy
Liberals take great pride in their supposed openmindedness. Yet when it comes to hot-button issues like radical Islam, global warming, and abortion, “openminded” liberals go to great lengths to discredit and suppress the ideas of their opponents. Breitbart senior editor Joel Pollak exposes the nineteen key ideas that today’s liberals are desperate to suppress, revealing the blatant hypocrisy of left-wing leaders and pundits who preach tolerance but practice intolerance.
- See No Evil
Read by John McLain
Release Date: 7/25/16
Formats: Digital Audy