
George Alfred Henty

George Alfred Henty
  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges' historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    Australia in the 1830s was a wild place. Reuben Whitney, escaping an inaccurate perception of him in England, enjoys an adventurous passage aboard the Paramatta, and sails "down under." Joining the police force, he makes his mark in conflicts with the Aborigines and Bushrangers. Finally, he saves the life of a squire's daughter who has emigrated to Australia following her father's financial ruin. This story is filled with adventure, close calls, and historical information about the early days of Australia!

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges' historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    Out on the Pampas was the exciting story overheard by a friend who encouraged Mr. Henty to have it published, launching his amazing career as "The Boy's Own Historian." In the mid-1800s, the Hardy family relocates to Argentina, joining other British settlers trying to start a better life for themselves in a new land. They face many obstacles and perils in this rugged lifestyle: surveying, building, planting, raising animals, and fighting off attacks from the natives. The children in the story—Charles, Hubert, Maud, and Ethel—are named after Mr. Henty's own children!

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through this historically accurate and edifying program read by Jim Hodges.

    A terrific addition to your Henty audiobook collection! This collection of short stories contains narratives that continue the Henty tradition of heroes both brave and modest. These stories are sometimes sentimental and melancholy, unlike many of Henty’s other writings. Henty was primarily known for his full-length novels for young people, but he regularly contributed short stories such as these to weekly boys’ magazines such as the Boys Own Paper and the Union Jack.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges' historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    The storming of the Bastille on July 14, 1789, ushered in the French Revolution. Within four years, the king was executed and a revolutionary tribunal was established to judge "enemies of the people." Led by Robespierre, the Jacobins sought to establish a "Republic of Virtue," and to achieve it, the property of nobles was seized and "enemies" tried and sent to the guillotine. Known as the Reign of Terror, everyone who was associated with the monarchy, expressed royalist views, or opposed the committee, faced potential execution. Harry Sandwith, a companion of a French family, wins their confidence and becomes the protector of the three daughters. After the girls are condemned to death in the coffin-ships, Harry saves the girls and the gets them safely to England.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through this historically accurate and edifying program read by Jim Hodges.

    The story is laid in Yorkshire in 1812, when the introduction of machinery and high price of food induced by the Napoleonic Wars, drove the working classes to desperation, and caused them to band themselves in that widespread organization known as the Luddite Society. There is an abundance of adventure in the tale, but its chief interest lies in the character of the hero, and the manner in which he is put on trial for his life, but at last comes victorious “through the fray.”

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges' historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    Shortly before the United States Revolutionary war against England, most inhabitants were her loyal subjects. France had control of much of southern Canada and the "western" lands of the current states of Pennsylvania and Ohio. Skirmishes abounded for years between English settlers pushing west and French settlers and her Indian accomplices. The Seven Years War in Europe spilled over to the colonies, where General Wolfe finally defeated the French in Quebec. This story includes depictions of the battles of Forts Duquesne and Necessity in Pennsylvania, and Forts Ticonderoga and William Henry in New York, and Quebec in Canada.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges' historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    The Saxons and Vikings fought many fierce battles in Britain in the eighth and ninth centuries. During the struggle, twenty-three-year-old Alfred ascended the throne and temporarily beat back the pagan hordes and concluded a peace treaty. Following another war in 878, peace was again achieved; the Danish King Guthrum accepted Christianity and withdrew to East Anglia, and Alfred the Great fortified cities, built a navy, codified laws, and revived learning among the Saxons until his death in AD 900. The hero is a Saxon thane named Edmund who joins the forces of King Alfred, fighting the Danes on land and in their own element, the sea, in his ship The Dragon. Carried by storms to the shores of Norway, he defeats Sweyn the Viking in single combat, takes part in the siege of Paris on behalf of the Franks, and tracks down his nemesis in order to rescue the Danish maiden he will later marry.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges' historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    It's the time of the English Civil War in 1642. Harry Furness is a Cavalier fighting for the king; his friend, Herbert Rippinghall, sides with the Roundheads in opposition. Oliver Cromwell leads the rebels aligned against the king and his admittedly tyrannical rule, but ends up imposing his own!

    Most of the story follows Harry Furness and the campaigns which take him all over the British Isles and the high seas, right through his capture at Drogheda and enslavement in Bermuda. Both Harry and Herbert live to see the end of the conflict and the new royal order.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    Frank Norris, accused of theft and unable to prove his innocence, leaves for excitement and adventure in the California Gold Fields of 1850’s America. He sails the Atlantic, braves a storm while working as a barge man on the Mississippi, survives an Indian attack while crossing the plains with a caravan, strikes it rich in the California Gold Mines, and is finally able to clear his name and return to England to claim his rightful inheritance. A great adventure story that illuminates the trials and tribulations of many who traveled to California during the great Gold Rush!

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    In the Heart of the Rockies is packed with adventure! In 1860, sixteen-year-old Tom Wade leaves England for the American Far West to find his uncle and to improve his family fortunes. Arriving at the small western outpost of Denver to mine for gold, he soon encounters Native American warriors, takes part in big-game hunts, and learns how to survive a frigid mountain winter with nothing but resourcefulness and perseverance. On their quest for a gold mine, he and his little band is spied on by Indians, chased across the Bad Lands, and overwhelmed by a snowstorm in the mountains. Henty’s descriptions of Colorado are taken from the official report of Major Powell’s four-year assignment from the US government to survey the Colorado River Valley. Tom Wade goes West as a boy … and returns as a young man.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    The conquest of the Aztec Empire by Hernando Cortez and a mere handful of Spaniards is one of the greatest romances of history. A writer of fiction would scarcely have dared to invent so improbable a story, but it is true. Fortunately, Cortez was able to ally himself with many peoples conquered by the Aztecs who were all too happy to assist in their downfall. Roger Hawkshaw, a shipwrecked Englishman, presenting himself as a long-lost Spaniard, assists Cortez in his many adventures.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    On August 24, 1572, more than 2000 French Huguenots—men, women, and children—were massacred for their faith. In St. Bartholomew’s Eve, Henty vividly depicts Admiral Coligny’s unflinching bravery, Queen Elizabeth’s vacillating foreign policy, Catherine de Medici’s vindictive scheming, and the Queen of Navarre’s inner strength as he recounts the adventures of Phillip Fletcher, son of an Englishman and a Frenchwoman, who journeys to France to take part in the Huguenots’ struggle for freedom. He and his band of soldiers see much combat, and Phillip’s skill as a swordsman and marksman is required innumerable times before he returns as a hero to England.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    The Battles of Lexington and Concord, Bunker Hill, the Declaration of Independence, Washington Crossing the Delaware, Saratoga, and the final surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown—these are the scenes that stir the soul of many an American. But to an Englishman, they do no such thing. This Henty novel retells these stirring tales, but from a different perspective, helping listeners learn how the other side viewed this miraculous triumph of freedom that inspires millions throughout the world still today.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    In 1381, Wat, the Tyler, and the peasants he represented urged of the King of England that serfdom should be abolished, the right of all to market their goods publicly be allowed, the price of good land to be not over four pennies an acre, and that all past offenses should be pardoned. Instead of presenting their requests in a respectful manner, they took to the streets of East Anglia, Kent, and London. Although their demands were certainly reasonable, their methods were not. Come along with Edgard Ormskirk as he helps put down the rebellion and save the lives of many in the process.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    The story begins during the War of the Roses in England, but our hero, Gervaise Tresham soon joins the Knights of St. John in Rhodes. Dedicated to God’s service and pious in his personal life, Gervaise uncovers a plot, saves the coast of Italy from the Muslim corsairs, and is knighted by the Grand Prior. After being captured by and escaping from the enemy, the young English knight draws his sword in the defense of Rhodes. He finds himself in a tough position desiring marriage, but having taken a vow of chastity! In the end, it is the Roman pontiff himself that gives him the release he needs to wed.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    Liberty or death—this was the choice the people of 14th century Scotland faced if they rose up against their English ruler. Most would say it was no choice at all. Many of the Scottish nobles were English supporters. Few could be expected to rise up against the numerically overwhelming English army. The hero of the story, Archibald Forbes, joins the struggle for Scottish freedom led by the valiant Sir William Wallace and Robert the Bruce. The extraordinary valor and personal prowess of these men rival the deeds of the mythical heroes of chivalry. Henty weaves a wonderful story around the actual events of 1314 at Bannockburn.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting and edifying audio recordings.

    With hearty singing of Psalms, Drake and his crew greeted the Pomo Indians who resided in an area known today as San Francisco. Sir Francis Drake is the first English explorer to circumnavigate the globe and thus sail upon the Pacific Ocean. Ned Hearne and three of his friends make up part of Drake’s crew. The boys will share in Drake’s adventures on the Spanish Main in the 1580s. The heroic adventures of Francis Drake and life on the Spanish Main (Central America) will come alive through the masterful storytelling of G.A. Henty.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting and edifying audio recordings.

    Mr. Henty weaves a story of the life and times of King Richard the Lion-hearted that is yet to be equaled. Cuthbert de Lance, the hero of the story, is of Norman blood on his father’s side and Saxon by his mother. By providing timely aid to the Earl of Evesham, Cuthbert is rewarded by being allowed to go to the Crusade as his page. He gains a reputation for valor and prowess due to gallant deeds and his resourcefulness not only helps King Richard but aids Cuthbert in many a ‘hairbreadth escape’.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    Beric, a boy-chief of a British tribe, takes a prominent part in the insurrection against Rome under Queen Boadicea. These efforts are useless against the mighty Roman army. For a short time, Beric and his companions continue the fight but are ultimately defeated and taken as prisoners to Rome. Through the eyes of Beric, the reader learns of life in 61 A.D. Rome, the gladiatorial schools, the great fire and life in Nero’s court. This classic work will shed light upon an event much neglected in history today.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    When Harold Godwinson is crowned King of England in 1066, William of Normandy contests his right to be king because of an oath Harold had earlier sworn to support William’s own acquisition of the throne. Henty’s treatment of this critical time in history of the English people is even-handed and his portrayal of Harold Godwinson—a king much neglected in our day—is a sympathetic one. Wulf of Steyning, a young Saxon thane in the service of Earl Harold, accompanies him on his fateful trip to Normandy, takes part in the Welsh wars, the Battle of Stamford Bridge, and the Battle of Hastings. Growing to manhood in such tumultuous times, Wulf’s fidelity and honor earn him the respect of all he serves.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting, and edifying audio recordings.

    The Young Carthaginian chronicles the struggle of the Second Punic War (218-203 B.C.) and the attempt of Hannibal to conquer Rome. At first, the struggle of Carthage against Rome was a struggle for empire, but it became a struggle for existence. Hannibal presses on despite formidable geographical barriers and the corrupt leadership in Carthage which time and again undermined all his efforts. Malchus, Hannibal’s cousin, participates in many historic battles and has his own adventures, finally settling in Gaul with his new bride.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting and edifying audio recordings.

    In For the Temple, Mr. Henty tells an exciting story from the record of Josephus. The troubles in the district of Tiberias, the march of the legions, the sieges of Jotapata, of Gamala, and of Jerusalem all come to life. In this impressive and carefully studied historical setting, you will follow a lad, John of Gamala, who passes from the vineyard to the service of Josephus. He becomes the leader of a guerrilla band of patriots, fights bravely for the Temple, and after a brief term of slavery at Alexandria, returns to his Galilean home with the favor of Titus. The fall of Jerusalem is brought to life in this classic.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting and edifying audio recordings.

    In this Henty novel covering one of the oldest time periods, listeners will learn much about the domestic life, customs, religion, and military system of ancient Egypt. Amuba, a prince of the Rebu nation on the shores of the Caspian Sea, along with his charioteer Jethro, are carried into slavery after losing a battle with the Egyptians. They become servants of the house of Ameres, an Egyptian high priest, and are quite happy there until the priest’s son accidentally kills the sacred cat of Bubastes. The locals rise up in rage and kill Ameres, and Jethro and Amuba must escape with the high priest’s son and daughter. After crossing the desert to the Red Sea, they eventually make their way back to freedom.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting and edifying audio recordings.

    The 1660s were a time of turmoil in England: Cromwell had been defeated and Charles II, who was sympathetic to the Catholics, was restored to the throne, the Dutch declared war on England, the Plague raged, and the Great Fire of London destroyed half the city!

    Our hero, Cyril, at the death of his father Sir Aubrey Shenstone, inherits nothing except his father’s title and works as a bookkeeper for various London tradesmen. Honest, hardworking, and quick-thinking, he uncovers the plots of thieves, diverts a fire-ship in a sea-battle, serves as a doctor’s assistant during the Plague, and prevents the murder of one of his friends. Wounded in the sea-battle, and later contracting the Plague, he survives all and receives back as a gift, the estates that his father had lost.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges’ historically accurate, exciting and edifying audio recordings.

    In 1380, Venice was a world power. She is mistress of the sea, had checked the rising power of the Turks, conquered Constantinople, and successfully defied all the attacks of her jealous rivals. But now, her strength and splendor were put to the severest test by the combined powers of Hungary, Padua, and Genoa. In an atmosphere of intrigue, crime, and treachery, Francis Hammond displays a fine sense and manliness which carry him safely through the storm in the watery splendor of Venice.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at…

  • Bring history back to life through Jim Hodges' historically accurate, exciting and edifying audio recordings.

    Few wars have been fought by each side with greater intensity of conviction in the rightness of its cause or with more abundant personal heroism than the War Between the States. The story begins with a great responsibility falling on Vincent Wingfield, the teenage son of a widowed Virginia plantation owner. Vincent must decide what course of action he should take when a problem arises on the plantation.

    Unlike many stories of this American war, Mr. Henty brings to it a European viewpoint that differs drastically from the current views on the nature and reasons for this struggle. Henty's With Lee in Virginia will introduce the reader to many of the famous battles of the 1860's along with learning much about the character of Robert E. Lee and his lieutenants.

    The Henty Historical Novel Collection, written by George Henty in the 1800s, covers many time periods in history throughout the world. In this collection, you will learn history, geography, and vocabulary while also discovering hero characters for your children to emulate. Study guides to enrich your learning experience are available at