- The Evolution of Technology
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 12/18/18
Formats: Digital Audy
In a short period of time, technology has exploded in the world market to a point where many cannot imagine a life without smartphones, tablets, and computers. With each new upgrade, technology compounds existing technologies to create something better than what was previously used before. Included are speeches from technical innovators, executives in the field of technology, developers, prognosticators, and others.
Produced by the Speech Resource Company and fully narrated by Robert Wikstrom
- Martin Cooper (cell phone), Motorola
- J. Presper Eckert (digital computer), ENIAC/UNIVAC
- Bill Gates, Microsoft
- Paul Allen, Microsoft
- Steve Ballmer, Microsoft
- Satya Nadella, Microsoft
- Steve Jobs, Apple
- Steve Wozniak, Apple
- Tim Cook, Apple
- Sir Tim Berners Lee, World Wide Web
- Jeff Bezos, Amazon
- Sergey Brin & Larry Page, Google
- Eric Schmidt, Google/Alphabet
- Marissa Mayer, Yahoo/Google
- Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
- Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook
- Safra Catz, Oracle
- Jack Dorsey, Twitter
- Jeremy Stoppelman, Yelp
- Sanjay Mehrotra, Micron
- Susan Wojcicki, YouTube
- Brian Chesky, AirBnB
- Larry Ellison, Oracle
- Peter Thiel, PayPal
- Ginni Rometty, IBM
- The Evolution of Technology
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 12/18/18
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Evolution of Donald Trump
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 10/02/18
Formats: Digital Audy
Some refer to Donald Trump as the American success story. While expanding his interests in real estate, sports, and entertainment, he made a decision to run and ultimately win the office of President of the United States. Speeches include those made before and after entering politics—announcing his candidacy, on the campaign trail, nomination acceptance, inauguration, and more.
Produced by the Speech Resource Company and fully narrated by Robert Wikstrom
- Campaigning as a Reform Party candidate, 1/7/2000
- Announcing 2016 candidacy, 6/16/2015
- Foreign policy campaign speech, 4/27/2016
- Charlotte campaign speech, 8/18/2016
- Victory speech, 11/9/2016
- Inauguration speech, 1/20/2017
- Addressing a joint session of Congress, 2/28/2017
- Jobs over climate change, 3/28/2017
- Cuba executive order, 6/16/2017
- VA Accountability Act, 6/23/2017
- Unleashing American energy, 6/29/2017
- Address to the United Nations, 9/19/2017
- Reduced healthcare regulations, 10/12/2017
- Trade deficits, 3/22/2018
- Tax cuts & jobs, 4/12/2018
- Travel ban upheld, 6/26/2018
- Great Falls campaign rally, 7/5/2018
- Veterans of Foreign Wars, 7/24/2018
- The Evolution of Donald Trump
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 10/02/18
Formats: Digital Audy
- Barack Obama Presidency
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 7/03/18
Formats: Digital Audy
From civil rights lawyer to Illinois state senator to US senator, Barack Obama was to become the first African American president of the United States. Speeches include his nomination acceptance, the inauguration, the death of Osama bin Laden, military conflicts, national health care legislation, and more.
Produced by the Speech Resource Company and fully narrated by Robert Wikstrom
- 2004 Democratic National Convention speech, 7/27/04
- Receiving the American Academy of Achievement Award, 6/20/07
- Nomination acceptance speech, 8/28/08
- Election victory speech, 11/4/08
- First inauguration address, 1/20/09
- First 100 days in office, 4/29/09
- Health care reform speech to Congress, 9/9/09
- Signing the Affordable Care Act, 3/23/10
- Ending “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” 12/22/10
- Announcing the death of Osama Bin Laden, 5/1/11
- Ending the war in Iraq, 10/21/11
- Second inauguration speech, 1/21/13
- Boston bombing memorial address, 4/18/13
- Ending the war in Afghanistan, 12/28/14
- Fiftieth anniversary of Selma to Montgomery march, 3/7/15
- Proposed Iran nuclear deal, 4/3/15
- Announcing the Iran nuclear agreement, 7/14/15
- Address to the people of Cuba, 3/22/16
- Final White House Correspondence Dinner, 4/30/16
- Memorial Day address at Arlington National Cemetery, 5/30/16
- Dedication of the African American Museum, 9/24/16
- Comments on Donald Trump victory, 11/9/16
- Farewell address in Chicago, 1/10/17
- Barack Obama Presidency
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 7/03/18
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Climate Change Debate
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 6/26/18
Formats: Digital Audy
For decades climate scientists have been warning of the dangerous effects of the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. They have urged a variety of measures that might prevent some of those disasters they claim to foresee. Others deny the reality of human-caused climate change and believe that scientists’ warnings about the impact are exaggerated. Speeches are presented from both sides of the issue.
Produced by the Speech Resource Company and fully narrated by Robert Wikstrom
- Al Gore and Newt Gingrich testify at US House hearings on climate change
- Dr. Heidi Collen, Environment & Public Works committee hearing
- Bob Carter, University of Southern Queensland, Australia
- Lord David Puttnam, “The Reality of Climate Change”
- John Coleman, founder of the Weather Channel
- Noam Chomsky, MIT Center for International Studies
- Lord Christopher Monckton, 12th Annual Conference on Climate Change
- Al Gore, MaRS Discovery District, Toronto
- Freeman Dyson, professor of physics at Princeton University
- Will Steffen, “Living with Climate Change”
- Donald Trump, “Jobs over Climate Change”
- Hillary Clinton & Al Gore, 2016 presidential campaign
- Dr. Fred Singer, “Hot Talk and Cold Science”
- Leonardo DiCaprio, “Messenger of Peace” at United Nations
- Steve Milloy, “Junk Science”
- Barack Obama, Climate Change Conference in Paris
- Donald Trump withdraws from Paris Accord
- Dr. James Hansen, professor at Columbia University
- Dr. Patrick Moore, “CO2 Emissions Are Good”
- Scott Denning vs. Roy Spencer, Heartland Institute Conference on Climate Change
- The Climate Change Debate
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 6/26/18
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Civil Rights Movement
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 1/02/18
Formats: Digital Audy
Following the Supreme Court ruling in 1954 striking down the “separate but equal” doctrine, a decade and a half of civil turbulence existed. Civil rights activists used nonviolent protest and civil disobedience to bring about change. This product tells a part of that historic time with speeches from many of those attempting to achieve racial equality.
Produced by the Speech Resource Company and fully narrated by Robert Wikstrom
- Martin Luther King Jr., Montgomery Bus Boycott, 6/5/1956
- President John F. Kennedy, Civil Rights Address to the Nation, 6/11/1963
- Martin Luther King Jr., Civil Rights Rally Address, 5/16/1963
- March on Washington, 8/28/63, Philip Randolph, John Lewis, Daisy Bates, Bayard Rustin
- Malcolm X, Message to the Grass Roots, 1/23/1963
- Andrew Young, Reflections on MLK and Malcolm X
- President Lyndon Johnson, Signing Civil Rights Bill, 7/2/1964
- James Farmer, Speech on Poverty, 10/15/1965
- Roy Wilkins, Address at UCLA, 12/2/1965
- Martin Luther King Jr., National Health Care Workers Address, 3/10/1968
- Martin Luther King Jr., “Been to the Mountaintop,” 4/3/1968
- Robert F. Kennedy, Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., 4/4/1968
- Coretta Scott King, Reflections on Civil Rights Movement
- Stokley Carmichael, Civil Rights Rally Address
- Ella Baker, “Life is more sacred than property,” 4/24/1968
- Angela Davis, Address at UCLA, 10/8/1969
- Ralph Abernathy, Committee for Economic Opportunity, 8/15/1987
- Nelson Mandela, Address to Joint Session of Congress, 6/26/1990
- Rosa Parks, Speech at the Million Man March, 10/16/1995
- Dorothy Height, Human Rights Campaign, 11/8/1997
- Desmond Tutu, “Reconciling Love,” 11/4/2005
- Julian Bond, Speech at National Equality March, 10/11/2009
- Roy Innis, Receiving John M. Ashbrook Award, 2/18/2010
- Jesse Jackson, Fiftieth Anniversary of March on Washington, 8/29/2013
- President Barack Obama, Civil Rights Summit, 4/10/2014
- The Civil Rights Movement
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 1/02/18
Formats: Digital Audy
- September 11, 2001
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 8/29/17
Formats: Digital Audy
At 8:45 a.m. on September 11, 2001, an American Airlines Boeing 767 crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center in New York City setting off a series of jet crashes, destruction, and lives lost. A tribute to that day includes memorable speeches by President George W. Bush announcing the attack to the American people and conveying his support with a bullhorn to rescuers, Mayor Rudy Giuliani addressing the UN, security advisor Condoleezza Rice before the 9/11 Commission, and more. Produced by the Speech Resource Company and fully narrated by Robert Wikstrom.
- Air Traffic Controllers on 9/11
- President George W. Bush announcing attack
- New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani press conference
- Eyewitness accounts of attack
- President Bush address to the nation on 9/11
- Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld press conference
- Rumsfeld Pentagon Briefing
- Senator Hillary Clinton comments on 9/11
- British Prime Minister Tony Blair support on 9/11
- Rudy Giuliani on rescue efforts
- National Day of Prayer, Reverend Jane Holmes Dixon
- National Day of Prayer, Reverend Nathan Baxter
- National Day of Prayer, Muzammil Siddiqi
- National Day of Prayer, Rabbi Joshua Haberman
- National Day of Prayer, Pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell
- National Day of Prayer, Cardinal Theodore Edgar McCarrick
- National Day of Prayer, Billy Graham
- National Day of Prayer, President George W. Bush
- Secretary of State Colin Powell press conference
- Jack Buck 9/11 Poem
- President Bush address to Congress
- Rudy Giuliani speech at United Nations
- President Bush on first anniversary of 9/11
- National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice addresses 9/11 Commission
- Former Vice President Dick Cheney Reflections
- President Obama announcing the death of Osama bin Laden
- 10th Anniversary Memorial, Mayor Michael Bloomberg
- 10th Anniversary Memorial, President George W. Bush
- 10th Anniversary Memorial, President Barack Obama
- 10th Anniversary Memorial, Governor George Pataki
- Prince Charles on 10th Anniversary
- President Obama dedicates 9/11 Memorial Museum
- Pope Francis holds Interfaith Prayer
- President Obama at 9/11 Pentagon Memorial
- President Trump at 9/11 Memorial Museum
- September 11, 2001
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 8/29/17
Formats: Digital Audy
- Foreign Leaders
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 4/25/17
Formats: Digital Audy
Features a collection of some of the well-known speeches from leaders around the world. From presidents, prime ministers, czars, queens and kings, dramatic words that changed the course of history and inspired millions worldwide. Produced by the Speech Resource Company and fully narrated by Robert Wikstrom.
- Mahatma Gandhi, Spiritual Message, 10/17/31
- Winston Churchill, address to the US Congress, 12/26/41
- Golda Meir, White House Reception, 9/25/69
- Menachem Begin, “Camp David Accord,” 9/17/78
- Ferdinand Marcos, Washington, DC, reception, 9/16/82
- Pope John Paul II, Cathedral of St. Mary, 9/10/87
- Benazir Bhutto, address to the US Congress, 6/7/89
- Nelson Mandela, after release from prison, 2/11/90
- Tony Blair, Joint Session of Congress, 7/17/03
- Queen of Jordan Rania, Yale University, 9/22/09
- Desmond Tutu, One Young World Summit, 9/1/11
- Prince Charles, September 11th anniversary, 9/11/11
- Angela Merkel, address to British Parliament, 2/27/14
- Dalai Lama, MacAlester College, 3/2/14
- Benjamin Netanyahu, Joint Session of Congress, 3/3/15
- Pope Francis, Joint Session of Congress, 9/24/15
- Vladimir Putin, United Nations General Assembly, 9/28/15
- Malcolm Turnbull, Back to Business Lunch, 3/10/16
- Brian Mulroney, address to NATO Canada, 6/20/16
- Justin Trudeau, United Nations address, 9/20/16
- Foreign Leaders
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 4/25/17
Formats: Digital Audy
- The Inaugurations
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 1/31/17
Formats: Digital Audy
Every four years on January 20, the president of the United States is sworn into office. Most often following a hard-fought campaign season, the voters determine the number of electoral votes each candidate is awarded and the winner takes the oath of office given by the chief justice of the United States. The Inaugurations is a compilation of every inauguration speech given by the newly sworn-in president, from Franklin Delano Roosevelt through Donald J. Trump.
- The Inaugurations
By the Speech Resource Company
Introductions by Robert Wikstrom
Release Date: 1/31/17
Formats: Digital Audy