
M. Robinson

M. Robinson
  • From Wall Street Journal & USA Bestselling Author M. Robinson, comes a rock star contemporary romance filled with angst and all the feels.

    Once upon a time …

    There was a little girl who believed in fairy tales and happily ever afters.



    Waiting …

    For her prince to come.

    Together they’d conquer the world.

    Slaying dragons, demons, and villains.

    Until her Prince Charming let his demons prevail.

    She cried and begged and prayed.

    She hated him.

    She loved him.

    She couldn’t save him.

    “I’m sorry.”

    “I love you.”

    Were five words she despised more than anything.

    Her fairy tale had become her worst nightmare.

    She didn’t know how much more she could take.

    She didn’t know love could turn into hate.

    There were so many things she didn’t know.

    Especially, how to tell him, “No.”

  • Dear diary,

    Once upon a time…

    There was a girl with long golden hair who had the truest, bluest eyes that turned white when she cried.

    She lived in a kingdom far, far away in a tower made of stone, but her mind was made of glass that she kept sharp as knives.

    Where her memories hid behind her darkest doubts.
    Her deepest thoughts.
    Her diary became the only thing she could rely on.

    No one saw through her looking glass.
    No one cared.
    No one tried.

    Until the villain presented himself as the hero in her life.
    He took and took and took some more.

    With no regret.
    With no shame.
    With no apology.

    The page never turned.
    Their story didn’t end.
    Tomorrow never came.
    His life of debauchery was their journey to nowhere.

    She’d give anything to go back in time.
    To walk where she had walked.
    To see what she had seen.
    One step.
    One breath.
    One day at a time.
    Though in the end, “I love you” were just words.

    That destroyed us inside.

  • From Wall Street Journal and USA Today Bestselling Author M. Robinson

    A single glance.

    A fleeting moment.

    A solitary touch could make everything worth it.

    This was my breaking point.

    This was where I lost myself completely.

    I did the only thing that made sense.

    The only thing I had left to give.

    I begged her …

    To take me with her.

  • In a world where I had no say, violence became my refuge. Nothing else mattered, not even my own life, until her: Skyler Bell. It all started the first time I heard that voice, giving me hope for tomorrow. My first love was everything all at once—consuming, maddening, forever, mine. Except I never imagined there were secrets that needed to be shared, lies that needed to be confessed, truths that needed to be told, demons that needed to be buried. Once I realized that the depth, the longing, and the sadness and sorrow in her eyes mirrored my own, it was too late. Love didn’t come to me as heartbreak; it came as everything I’d ever desired. Walking away wasn’t an option I wanted; it was the only one I had. I finally found the price of love, and it cost me my soul.

  • From USA bestselling author M. Robinson comes a contemporary romance duet filled with all the feels of a epic love story.

    What do you do when you meet your soulmate at seven years old?

    You give …
    You live …
    And you love …
    To have and to hold.

    Until you hear the words, “I just don’t love you anymore.”

    Putting an end to me.
    To you.
    To us.


    So here you are …
    Turning the pages, opening the next chapters of my life—wanting to know the next truths of my sins.
    As if the first half of my life wasn’t enough.
    You. Need. More.
    You want my redemption.
    My heart. My soul.
    Your happily ever after …
    You. Want. Answers.
    And I will grant you the very first one you’re dying to know.
    Why did I leave her?
    So go ahead.
    Turn the page.
    I dare you.
    You just might not like the answer.

    Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

  • I didn’t know darkness and evil lurked inside me until I had to murder to survive, forced to become my own worst enemy. With so much blood on my hands, I was surprised I could still see my own skin.

    I killed, I tortured, I loved. I played God while I was rotting in a fiery inferno. Thriving on control and power was the only way I knew how to live. There were no other options.

    If you weren’t my friend, you were my foe. If you weren’t with me, you were against me—traitors, as I called them.

    There were no imaginary lines. I’d crossed them all. No boundaries, no second chances, no redemption—not for me, for them, for anyone. Only for her …

    She loved me, always convinced I was a saint, never believing I was just another sinner, a monster—until it was too late.

    Except, I didn’t choose this life. It chose me.

  • Ashes to ashes.
    Dust to dust.
    And all that fucking shit.
    I had killed.
    I had sacrificed.
    The innocent and the corrupt. I knew blood and I knew violence.
    Never imagining I could know love too.
    Mia Ryder was a woman to love. To cherish. To fucking claim. Now, forever, and
    every day in between.
    If there was anyone I’d go to Hell and back for, it was her.
    Even if it meant, going to war with …
    My fucking brother.

  • They say in order to find yourself you have to go home.

    What if home was what you were running from?

    Where did that leave you?

    Always on the other side of the fence.

    Always looking in.

    Always wishing you were someone you couldn’t be.

    Until one day you meet her.

    The one.

    She was my high, but she was also …

    My demise.

  • I once read that every warrior hoped an honorable death would find him. I always went looking for mine, but not even the Reaper wanted me. I was trained to kill. I was trained to not ask why. To take orders and just march in line. Hoo-ah motherf—ker.

    Life or death. Ride or die. And I’m not only talking about the military. I’m talking about the life that led me on the road to nowhere. My life. I fought for my brothers.

    I fought for my family. I fought for my country. And I fought for her … never realizing I might die for them too.