About Us

Blackstone Publishing: an independent publishing house where authors, readers, narrators, and listeners feel at home.

Audiobooks Unlimited 

Blackstone Unlimited is a groundbreaking platform that revolutionizes access to audiobooks for libraries with the largest always-available collection of downloadable audiobooks. Blackstone Unlimited Audio offers over 6,500 titles and is committed to continuously expanding its collection. We have state-of-the-art recording studios in Oregon and New York and work closely with narrators and authors to produce high-quality and award-winning listening experiences.  

Instant Access, No Restrictions: Bid farewell to holds, waiting lists, and restrictions. Library patrons can now enjoy a world of audiobooks without limits, ensuring a seamless and gratifying reading experience. Patrons can delve into the works of celebrated authors such as Karin Slaughter, M. C. Beaton, Jeneva Rose, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and James Clavell, among many others. 

Diverse and Growing Catalog: With an ever-expanding collection, Blackstone Unlimited Audio offers a diverse array of genres and authors, ensuring that libraries can cater to the varied tastes of their patrons. These include some of the world’s most prominent writers, bringing the works of literary giants directly to library shelves and digital platforms. 

Affordable, Fixed Flat Rate: Blackstone Unlimited Audio provides an affordable, fixed flat rate, eliminating additional fees and making premium audiobooks accessible without straining library budgets. 

Our Story 

Founded in 1987 by Craig and Michelle Black, Blackstone Publishing started in a small garage where a handful of family members and employees worked to build their audiobook business one cassette tape at a time. A truly independent, privately owned publisher with offices on both coasts, Blackstone is home to a vibrant and eclectic community of storytellers and story lovers. Today, Blackstone has firmly positioned itself as one of America’s fastest-growing and respected publishing houses, with multiple New York Times bestsellers, Grammy Award–winning audio productions, and books placed on the New York Times Best Books of the Year list. Blackstone is committed to bringing entertaining stories to as many people as possible and to forging long-term connections with the literary community.